Roast in hell, Swell Season suicide jumper!

Care about a stranger who’s going to unknowingly marry a gay person, but not about one who commits suicide. Got it. I need a scorecard for the Dio-World morality code to keep track of how All Good and Decent People Should Feel and Behave.

Never heard of them, didn’t see the movie, and the youtube you linked was a little too twee. This post is not meant to trivialize what happened (I agree it is terrible) but is to respond to your opinion that it’s suprising someone doesn’t know these guys.

The one committing suicide is only doing it to himself. I don’t care what people do to THEMSELVES. You didn’t actually believe that was a valid comparison did you?

And yeah, what you said. Not my thing, apparently.

Yeah, suicide victims never have families; it’s awesome how that works out, isn’t it?

I know someone whose partner took a swan dive from the top indoor balcony of a multifloor building. Not only did it damned near destroy the guy left behind, but I’ll bet you solid money that no one who saw the impact ever forgets that.

But maybe we’re all just soft and need to see our loved ones harmed terribly to get our priorities right. Don’t sweat the death of people you don’t know, even if you witness it, for Dio declares it best.

Jesus Christ, of course seeing someone fall to a gruesome death right in front of you would be traumatizing. Suicide, fall, got pushed, whatever!

Please. I didn’t say it was “for the best,” I just said it wasn’t something likely to be all that traumatizing to strangers (and I did say "except for the jumper’s loved ones). Yes, it would be traumatic to loved ones. The majority of the crowd isn’t going around all fucked up over it, though.

Your comparison to my posts about tipping off a stranger if she’s being scammed makes no sense at all, though. For one thing, this guys wasn’t hurting anybody else, and for another thing it was too late to do anything after he jumped anyway. If I saw somebody about to jump (and it really registered that they were about to jump), I’d yell at them not to do it and try to talk them out of it, but I just see a body smack the stage out of the blue, what the hell am I supposed to do about it?

I actually saw a stranger commit suicide once when I was a teenager, by the way. A guy jumped into the ocean off a rocky embankment. It was a part of the water where the waved were pretty bad and there was a nasty undertow. He kept getting bashed against the rocks. A couple of friends of mine were trying to put a stick out for him to grab, but he kept pushing it away and wouldn’t grab it (I was too far away, on a different part of the embankment, to be able to do anything but yell encouragement). He eventually drowned. I thought it was sad, and I remembered it, but it didn’t traumatize me. Dude wanted to die. Dude got what he wanted. We were bummed for a couple of days and moved on. I don’t go around all these years later filled with rage because the guy had the audacity to kill himself in front of us. It seems like it would be kind of selfish to try to make that all about me.

The OP is about a guy who fell to his death on stage during a concert (possibly suiciding), and there’s a link to a video of “Falling Slowly.” There’s a joke in there somewhere, but I’m pretty sure it’s completely inappropriate.

Lighten up, Francis. I think it was a joke.

To tell the truth, the way you’re talking about the band in this thread makes you come off like some angst-ridden teen groupie. I’ll bet you also hold up lighter flames and wave them back and forth at concerts.

Ooops, I went to wash dishes, but I should have re-read what I wrote and edited myself. I honestly didn’t mean to come off that way. First, I thought it might be a joke because there were lots of jokes like that in the Comments section of the original article, and plus, since Dio used to see a lot of movies, I thought he might have seen Once and know who they were, and was just making a joke.

Second, and totally separate, I thought, well, maybe he doesn’t because maybe he didn’t see the movie, or maybe he does, but other people don’t, so I added the info about Once. It wasn’t meant to be snarky at all but I can see how it read as such. It was a very very small movie, and not every one’s an awards geek like me and would know such trivia. I meant no condescension and I apologize to Dio and anyone else who might have gotten that vibe.

Dio, you are one cold bastard. NEVER change! hahahahahahahh

Not with them. I’ve only ever seen the movie and don’t own any of their albums. They just seem like a couple of nice people, especially her, but I’m just basing that on her speech at the Academy Awards. She was played off and didn’t get to say her thanks, but later, the host Jon Stewart stopped everything and brought her back onstage to talk. She could have blown it with a bunch of thanks to her mom and god and her lawyer, but she didn’t. She was brief, articulate and moving and had a lot of people in tears.

Doesn’t everybody? :wink:

Remember the little cartoon video thing of the gerbils going over the cliff after saying some short weird last words? That’s what it sounds like.

Thank you for the response, and a very classy one at that!

Not to be crass or anything, but who jumps twenty feet in a suicide attempt? I’d expect that I’d wind up with a broken leg or possibly another injury resulting in paralysis (in which case, you’re really going to be depressed). If you really want to be sure you die, wouldn’t you jump from a much higher spot (like off the Golden Gate Bridge or some such thing)?

People who are so depressed as to actually commit suicide are often quite mad at the world, and definitely are heavily internally focused. I see no reason to assume this guy intended any malice. More likely, making his death a spectacle made it easier to go through with.

And I’ve seen a lot worse: you know those guys who shoot up schools? They’re usually suicidal. I could even see them wanting to take down other people who have hurt them if they’re going to have to die, too. This guy just did it on a stage. Meh.

And to get into the Dio mess: there are people who would be tramautized, but I bet most people would only be messed up for a few days, like Dio was, unless they knew the victim. And, yes, I call any suicidal person a victim.

Oh, no, the liberals would be too reverent to have fun with the flowery language like this. And the conservatives wouldn’t be up on popular culture enough to be going to concerts.

So what do we do? I think we need a Libertarian We’ll-Insult-Anyone-In-Flamboyant-Prose Newspaper.

(Besides the Dacron, Ohio Republican-Democrat of course: “One of America’s Newspapers”).

I guess Mr. Pickels…

puts shades on

… hit the stage.


Agreed. Those other quotes made me smile, but at this, I laughed at loud. I think it was the use of “chap” that did it.

It wasn’t the Pickles from Dethklok, was it?