Roasted Marshmallows and other quick fun recipes

Just in case anyone is not aware, you can pop marshmallows in the microwave for a couple of minutes, and when you see them (through the microwave window) starting to turn brown inside, take them out, and Viola! Yummy roasted marshmallows without the campfire! First they’re ooey and gooey, then they get kinda crunchy!! Yeah! :cool: AND you get to watch them puff up when they cook.

A fun snack!

Anybody else got quick snack recipes to share?
A girl

Thanks… No more than three steps…I can do it!!!

Girlbysea (AKA: ChiefScott’s GBS)

Not quite so quick, but it’s a simple recipe for no-bake cookies:

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup butter

1/4 cup cocoa powder (baking kind, not Quik)

1/2 cup peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups instant oatmeal (non-instant works too)

Melt the first 3 ingredients in a large saucepan. Add cocoa powder. Mix well. Bring to a boil and let boil for 60-75 seconds. Remove from heat.

Add peanut butter and vanilla. Mix until peanut butter is melted. Add oatmeal one cup at a time and mixing well.

With a large spoon, place dollops of mixture (about 1/4 - 1/3 the size of your fist) onto wax paper. This should make about 20-24 dollops. Let set for at least 30 minutes.

Eat and enjoy. Warning: make sure you have milk to drink handy. :slight_smile:

Wrong thinking is punished, right thinking is just as swiftly rewarded. You’ll find it an effective combination.

Now here’s a carryover from the old AOL board: Take two grapes. Put them in the microwave. You don’t even have to cut them in half, like Judy originally suggested; they just have to have some of the skin peeled off to expose the inner pulp. Put them together in such a way that two pulpy surfaces touch. Push Start. Sparks fly!

I guess I’m just better off living with my inner tensions.

Ah, yes! Instant comfort food. BTW, you can also make killer marshmallows in a toaster oven. Great for regression food like s’mores.

And of course there’s always the heady, childlike pleasure of a Ritz cracker smeared with a peanut butter and topped with an apple slice.

For real snack fans: MICROWAVE CARAMEL CORN

Stuff ya need: 3 quarts popped popcorn, 1 stick butter or margarine, i cup brown sugar,1/4 cup corn syrup, 1/2 tsp. soda.

Micro wth butter, brown sugar and corn syrup on high for 3 minutes. Mix in the soda.
Spray a paper grocery bag with cooking spray. Dump the popcorn in the bag and pour the sugar stuff on top.
Fold down the top of the bag and micro for 1-2 minutes on high. Shake, and repeat the microwaving 2 more times.
Dump the whole shebang onto waxed paper or foil to cool.

Of course the discriminating muncher can always toss in a handful of peanuts, pecans, or whatever for homemade Cracker Jacks. But then you have to try suprise yourself with a little plastic gizmo.

Now go brush your teeth!