So, here is a thread devoted to Opal. Why am I doing this?
[Edited by TubaDiva on 11-08-2000 at 01:11 AM]
So, here is a thread devoted to Opal. Why am I doing this?
[Edited by TubaDiva on 11-08-2000 at 01:11 AM]
Tell you what, if you have a problem with Opal, you should take it to her.
Write her an email, please. Or take it somewhere else. But not here. Your problem is not here, your solution is not here, your opportunity to vent on this subject is not here.
your humble TubaDiva
Why not Tuba?
Because his problem is not here.
He needs to go take this problem somewhere else.
your humble TubaDiva
Of course not, none of us are required to expound upon it. But if one posts an assertion to the board, are they exempt from being questioned about it? From being challenged on it? From being asked to present their proof? I don’t think that’s the way it works on other boards either…
And note - Opal did not clarify with her “wasn’t talking about herself” post until after I posted. And it sure as hell wasn’t clear until she did so. Or was I “too hasty” again, and should wait until Opal has a few minutes to revise her posts before I respond now?
You are incorrect. When you post something in a public forum like the SDMB, you have no right whatsoever to have it stand and be exempt from people demanding an explanation. Repeat this last sentence. You are a moderator in another board. Are people in your board exempt from having their opinions challenged?
Bullshit. I thought that once, I really, really did. But, do you think people don’t talk to me? You’re pretty smart, but so am I. I can also see you didn’t get the point at all of my Pit self-flaming a few weeks ago. Like others, you see it as a sign of weakness, or couldn’t figure it out at all. Whatever :rolleyes:
You know, I have done this, and may still do it. But hanging this albatross around my neck every time you disagree with me without seeing if just maybe I have a point is just plain wrong. Stop it.
Yes. She stated an opinion in a public forum. I challenged her to present proof as to it’s veracity, or to stop talking about it. On the basis that making these “drive-by” statements does a dis-service to the good people of #straightdope.
Here’s the short of it:
I spend a lot of time in #straightdope. I have a lot of friends there. Then, someone who should know better than to stir up shit when no one had mentioned her at all, flamed her, poked at her, whatever, comes in and says the following:
Now, taken without the following post from her, what the Hell sort of comment is that? A blanket summary that we are mainly a bunch of backstabbers in #straightdope? Sure, she modified it after she was called on it. So maybe, just maybe, she was too hasty in her original post, and should have expanded more upon it?
You know, the thing is, I like Opal, and her board. And I fucking defy you to find one post, one mail, one chat log where I criticised her before tonight. So don’t fucking mentally lump me in with a vast conspiracy of Opal-haters. Maybe you would like to, so you could then dismiss my legitimate criticism of her post as the mad ramblings of that crazy, Opal-hating Una. But you can’t.
Please stop and think about this. And please stop demeaning me by summarizing most everything I say as me being “too hasty”, being “crazy Anthracite again”, or whatever.
You know, the funny thing is, this all started over one poster asking about the channel.
Well Doob, here are my thoughts.
No, I am not a long term poster like yourself. I have experienced many a chat sessions with Opal, all of which were like any chat room I have experienced in my 6 years on line. Nothing unusual.
But your comment:
…is bullshit (no offense Joph) but the BOTS suck. IRC is not a perfect animal. I am ‘sposedly on the Bots’ okay list but I always seem to have to resort to another roomie to get me listed as an OP. It’s not a perfect system unless I am no longer listed even though Joph says I am. Which in that case needs to be rectified or I need to know I am no longer welcome…
Look Doob, I never wanted this to happen, this thread, but I did feel you took yourself out of the realm of MPSIMS and elevated it to PIT too quickly.
As far as Opal is concerned I cannot speak for her, what I will tell you is this:
I have been accused of many things in MPSMIMS including one of my best SD buddies making the issue that I should explain myself when I felt I said all I could say given the situation. I never have to explain myself and too often people jump to conclusions to make it their business to read the minds of others. In fact this has happened to me at least two times that I recall, possibly more without my knowledge.
No person (sorry Una this is directed at you) is required to explain anything to anyone unless they are comfortable with the circumstances. Yes, I do believe that people can say things on this or any message board with no requirement to explain to you otherwise, especially in MPSIMS. If you need clarification then you have two choices, Pit or email. It’s that simple. Sometimes The Pit is too easy for it opens up a bunch of bullshit that would be better left in email.
Look Doob, you and I have had some awesome chats when the rest of the group has left the room but I think your attitude sucks right now. Someone has an opinion about the chat room…good on you for pointing out what you think goes on behind the scenes. You don’t know me, you don’t know Opal as far as I know, you don’t know anyone that you haven’t spent a lot of time with so you feel the need to make judgement based on whatever it is you are judging it on.
I find this a sad state of affairs.
Opal says something and it’s automatically a stab at the topic at hand. Bullshit.
Look, I don’t know what she meant, I don’t want to know as it’s her business NOT MINE. I read what I want and read into it as I percieve it, unfortunately this reading into things can get out of control.
I am sick of people jumping on one another’s asses in here over shit that is very petty and honestly I think many comments are said in innocence not in malice. This much I know from Opal, she may hint at hurt feelings in the past but I have never known her (in the year + that I have interacted with her) to purposely start shit. Shit even on Yahoo people treat her with more respect and some of those people are complete assholes…most of you people aren’t assholes, which amazes me with the reactions some people get here.
SO, my feeling is regardless of your disdain towards what Opal does, has done or other circumstances, that is your opinion. Good for you, you stated it and now it’s out in the open.
We all know how you feel so go ahead and let loose on any other posters/chat roomies you have a problem with while you’re at it…
I mean it, we’re not gonna have fistfights over Opal here.
Please stop.
I am closing this thread.
your humble TubaDiva
I’m sorry, I was typing my post and did not see your posts here. But mine does not really concern Opal, so much as techchick coming after (unfairly, I believe) me in the MPSIMS thread.
If in your judgement this is wrong too, I apologize, and please delete my post, this thread, or whatever you desire.
The comment was made on this board. They are two posters post to this board. There are a lot of threads here with people fighting about stuff that has nothing to do with the board.
My 2c’s that’s all. It is your board and you can do what you want but still …
I thought that the whole point of the Pit was to blow off steam. Doob could post a flame thread about his next-door neighbor, or some freak who sent him an incomprehensible email, or just about any SD poster in existence, and you wouldn’t bother asking him to close the thread. Why is he specifically prohibited from flaming Opal?
Yeah, but as it originated elsewhere, that fight needs to be somewhere else and not here.
If you have a problem with what Opal does someplace else not here, you need to address that problem with her in that other forum.
Why should we have to deal with this crap?
your humble TubaDiva