TubaDiva: WTF?


You know, it isn’t necessary to slap people around just because you can.

SenorBeef and I had in fact STOPPED arguing (if we ever were) and had begun a genuine attempt to communicate with one another and help each other understand. Admittedly, I didn’t like being called names in the thread (which you, of course, ignored), but once SenorBeef asked me in earnest to explain my confusion, we had no futher problem.

Damn, you can be a bitch sometimes.

Holy deja vu, Batman! Haven’t we done this thread once (or 15 times) before?

I am having a hard time figuring this one out. What exactly is the problem? “Break it up you two” is definitely a step forward from “knock it off”. I applaud you, Tuba.

I think this complaint should be filed under ‘thin-skinned pantywaists’.

I was all set to let loose on you, knowing as I do Tuba’s penchant for possibly unintentional rudeness, but after reading the linked post, I gotta agree with you 100%.

Lib: Thick skin: you do not has.

I did sound like I took an argumentative tone with you when it seemed to me that you were being deliberately thick headed. It seemed that you were well aware of what was under debate, having participated in it, and then took it in a totally illogical direction.

But after you posted again to explain yourself, our tone seemed (to me) not to be argumentative, but just discussion of the issues and mutual explanations of our positions, which we might’ve been unclear on.

I didn’t see the latter part - the part that was more discussion than argument - as being inappropriate to the thread. But I don’t look in ATMB much so maybe it wasn’t a place for discussion of the issue.

I appreciate that, SenorBeef.

Heh, I know what SenorBeef sounds like when he’s insulting someone fo’ real. :wink: If he really wants to it can lay it down. I don’t see him doing that at all there.

Seems like an intense conversation but I don’t see where they got out of line.

I’m an it now?

<SenorBeef> I should have a gay relationship with mswas just so we could mentally try to picture the contorted situation of us looking so far down on each other.

  • 2002

Jeez, what’s a guy gotta do to start a fight around here? :smiley:

Order a glass of milk in a ritzy restaurant?

Liberal, I think you and SenorBeef were cool by the time TubaDiva posted, but her comments were mild, not bitchy. She just didn’t understand where your heads were by that point.

How many mods have not had “<name>: WTF?” threads?

Just the ones Sapo hasn’t gotten around to getting all crybaby about.

That’s the problem with Tuba. She doesn’t read things for comprehension, she just jumps in and starts shooting from the hip. She tells people in her snarkiest tone not to be snarky, as she had already done in that thread. She’s like the matronly old mother who slaps her child in the face while telling him not to hit people. My wife and I made the mistake a long time ago of reaching out to her and helping her in a time of need. She pretended to be nice, and lured us into trusting her. I have no respect for her anymore. I wish she would just retire, and leave the board to someone less knee-jerky, someone less capricious, someone who gives a shit about the membership. You and others may disagree, but that’s my view of it.

Gleena, WTF?

Did you read the thread or just the post? Liberal gave a snarky comment. Tuba called him on it. He apologized without reservation. Then there was civil back and forth between two posters trying to explain their positions on the topic at hand. Then Tuba came back and told them to break it up and stop arguing. It was minor. It wasn’t even a warning. Doesn’t deserve a pitting except for whatever other history there is behind it. But it was wrong.

The pitting is because the dialog was abruptly halted. We were beginning to understand each other and possibly help other people as well. SenorBeef was explaining things very well, and I only had a few more questions. The front page says that ATMB is for discussions of rules, and that’s exactly what we were having.

Pretty clear now, though. As is the depth of Liberal’s “apology without reservation” in that thread.

Respect and regret are not functions of one another. I regretted my actions because I knew that I ran afoul of that forum’s guidelines, even though it was Tuba who called it. If you believe it was wrong to apologize, please explain your reasoning.