Robert Deniro vs. Dennis Rodman Who is the better man?

Rodman has his issues but he did IMO help open the door for these talks. He did give Kim a copy of Trumps book “The Art of the Deal”.

The show was the Tony’s. About live theater. Why couldnt DeNiro stay on topic and discuss that instead of using his time to slam the president?

Rodman is a mentally ill drug addict/alcoholic.

You may not agree with his politics, but it was excellent theater.

Everyone who has a microphone in front of them and millions of people watching should say the exact same thing.

I see what you did there. :smiley:

The Round Mound of Rebound >>> The Worm

Dennis Rodman may have prevented a nuclear war. DeNiro jumped on the now very old bandwagon of bashing Trump, and solved nothing. Dennis Rodman wins in this sense.

That anyone believes that Dennis Rodman played a constructive role in international relations is a depressing statement about the credulity of Americans.

Rodman may have kept Un willing to talk to the outside world, going into a dangerous situation to do so (for instance look at what happend to Warmbier). Jumping on the mainstream bandwagon of bashing Trump with no constructive ideas (the mainstream has no ideas of any kind really, except an irrational and perhaps psychotic hatred for Trump - a mass psychosis) is really what is not constructive.

De Niro said what should be the universal pledge of all mankind: Fuck T***p. Anyone attacking the Dear Dotard should be praised. Rodman’s just a circus clown, willing to give laud and glory to the world’s worst despot just to get his name in the paper. De Niro may be a batshit anti-vaxxer, but at least he doesn’t suck up to kleptocrats.

Or he may have been an unwitting dupe of a homicidal dictator who used him to gain acceptance on a world stage, allowing decades of torture to continue. Hard to tell at this point.

Watch a post-summit interview with Rodman:

I don’t think his motives are to get his name in the paper. He seems sincerely, and effectively, trying to help. Your proposed “universal pledge” appears to me to be a mantra that is only useful to keep the masses unthinking and psychotic.

Oh and look who started the trend of using the name Dotard for Trump:

Yes, we’re pretty much all aware it was Kim who used the term. What’s your point?

Look, it’s plainly obvious to anyone familiar with international relations that the reason KJU is open to talks is about ten million times more related to the state of the DPRK’s nuclear deterrent than it is to his basketball fixation and this particular weirdo.

I consider the idea that Rodman played a substantive role in any of this to be a matter of not mass psychosis, but a generalized ignorance, or perhaps over-reliance on TV and social media.

ETA: and there is no contradiction between these three statements:

  1. Talking with North Korea is good
  2. Trump is probably going to fuck it up because he’s incompetent
  3. Rodman is irrelevant

I think both are excellent at being men, and neither of them are “better” than the other at it. And while both have worn dresses in public view, neither of them were even remotely close to being a woman. So it’s a tie.

Within this particular political context, I’m not a fan of actors who feel obligated to make these little political asides from award ceremony microphones even if I agree with them, and while I suspect Rodman is trying to be helpful he’s a bit of a loon and he’s validating a murderous dictator. So probably a tie again.

A tie? One seems worse than the other to me.

They are both whackadoodles whose thoughts and comments our current president apparently takes as important.

Both deserve respect for their professional careers and admiration as entertainers. Both have the free speech to use their soapboxes so obtained to promote whatever they want to, be it anti vaccination nuttery, Trump hate, or Trump love.

Why anyone pays any mind I dunno. That our president does says something though and what it says aint good.

Saying “Fuck Trump” when you are able to do so is not a negative, but a positive. Hating Trump is the bare minimum for me to think that you are a decent human being at this point. The only way you can not is if you’re somehow unaware of what Trump has done.

And I do tend to hold the opinion that Rodman is being duped. I do think he really cares about peace, but so do most people. But the way he’s been used does not in any way change anything or make peace more possible or likely.

So I agree with Chronos’s assessment.

Please, list the worst things Trump has done. Maybe a top 5, 10 or 20, or whatever number.

There are many threads dedicated to that topic. If none of those made an impression on you, why bother rehashing it here?