Robert Deniro vs. Dennis Rodman Who is the better man?

Alright which post in which thread?

Do your own homework-Nobody is here to jump through your hoops.

I’m someone who doesn’t know what bad things Trump has done to warrant jumping on the “F- Trump” bandwagon. All you have to do is list a few of the worst, and you could have a convert. Is that difficult? (I’ve spent a lot of time searching online already to understand the mindset, and have come up short. But here is an opportunity to directly list them.)

You claim to have searched online, but haven’t found anything on the subject?

Done with you.

:eek: Nothing? At all? You have found no criticism of Trump that you find credible during your searches? Yeah, no. If nothing that has been said, done, or published, here or abroad, in the last 2 years has convinced you of his dishonesty and criminality, I don’t think we can do it.

I’m not saying he can’t be criticized. I’m saying what I’ve seen doesn’t warrant jumping on the “F- Trump” bandwagon. If someone on that bandwagon lists the worst of the worst, perhaps I can be persuaded to jump on the bandwagon.

  1. Getting elected President.

If you still think people don’t like Trump because of some “bandwagon” then, no, I don’t believe you can persuaded. You obviously decided to ignore all the evidence and just believe what you want to believe.

Trump killed my puppy.

Going to a Hollywood crowd and attacking trump isn’t bravery or particularly clever. Being willing to see past your prejudices and support someone unpopular for doing something you find admirable is. I swear if you watch the news today CNN is hoping for war in Korea just to make Trump look bad.

I’m not going to rank them and frankly I suspect the others are right in assuming that you’re not asking this in good faith but here are a few off the top of my head:

  • Using his office for personal gain and the benefit of his family, including his trips to Mar-a-lago (at doubled fees, paid in full), his plan to drop sanctions on ZTE at the same time China gave his Indonesia project a $500M load and Ivanka several trademarks in China, and his supporting sanctions on Qatar until they agree to take Jared’s white elephant of a building off his hands at which point he reversed his position.
  • Being a massive security risk, including passing Israeli intelligence to Russia (who gave it to Iran), allowing both Russian and North Korean senior spies into the Oval Office and using an unsecured phone for presidential business despite being told repeatedly why this is bad.
  • Openly antagonizing all America’s allies, including withdrawal from key agreements (thus guaranteeing that no one will ever trust the US to act in good faith ever again), starting incredibly fucking stupid trade wars (except where it serves to benefit him personally), undermining NATO and NAFTA, and just generally being a dick for no purpose.
  • Openly praising authoritarians and dictators, including Kim, Xi, Putin, Hussein, Duterte, and Hitler, and sucking up to the ones currently in power.
  • Openly expressing a wish to be an authoritarian dictator himself and persistently undermining any democratic institutions which impede that goal, including the judiciary, federal law enforcement, and the free press, and also repeatedly retweeting and repeating messages from white supremacist sources and refusing to fully condemn actual Nazis.
  • Stoking hatred against Muslims and immigrants, and using the government to hurt (and I mean that literally in many cases) members of those groups, often illegally.
  • Being unable to perform even the basic functions of his job with any level of competence, such that his advisers have to make sure to include his name in every paragraph of briefings or he zones out, and senior members of his own administration have called him a “fucking moron” and worse.
  • Attempting to obstruct the investigation into his campaign. Constantly.
  • Lying. About everything.

So basically he’s corrupt, narcissistic, incompetent, dishonest, bigoted, fascist, and willing to sell out the country to Russia, China, or whoever else will give him the best price. Does that answer your question?

And note that each of those is a different and major issue that’s broadly considered to be bad, and I could keep going but most other things I would post would require more background to explain.

I’m completely pro-business, fine with hawkish policies, support the police and a strong retributive justice system, etc. While I’m not a Republican, I’m not opposed to Trump because of his party or anything. But even trying to be as generous as I can, the only thing I’m aware of that Trump has done as President that wasn’t stupid or malicious is to approve burning the poppy fields in Afghanistan - and that’s probably giving him credit that probably better goes to Mattis or someone.

The major “good” things that Trump is purported to have accomplished in his Presidency are, so far, just things that the Republican party accomplished - and even that’s limited to the tax cuts and the nomination of Neil Gorsuch. And, of course, half the country think that those are bad things. And it’s notable that, as far as the tax cuts went, Trump was more of a hindrance to the process than he was a help, almost destroying the thing a few times in the process by trying to attach it to his stupid border wall or through other inanity.

Over the course of their careers, Rodman was a better basketball player than De Niro was an actor, so Rodman.

(Yes, I know Bob has great, Pantheon-level performances, and had he passed away in, say, 1997, he would be the pick here. But you CANNOT ignore his post-2000 work in shitty old man comedies. You just can’t.)

I’d bet DeNiro was a better basketball player than Rodman was an actor, however. Hard to imagine him being worse.

Rodman did not make these talks possible. Kim has always been willing to hold one-on-one talks where the president of the most powerful nation in the world gives him everything he asked for and saluted his generals. The difficulty with previous talks is just that sane Presidents don’t want those terms.


At least Rodman doesn’t talk through movies: Santander -- Watch a Robert De Niro Movie Marathon with Robert De Niro - YouTube

DeNiro has (or had at one time, not sure if it still applies) a basketball court in his NYC residence. He might have more hops than we’re giving him credit for.

Since this thread has been bumped, I’ll call attention to an unanswered question.

@ Mr. Peebles — Sage Rat provided you with a list of cites regarding the F***edness of your Presdient. Did you click and review them?

Nice list, Sage Rat, though I’d have made a link to Trump University — IMO, it provides the clearest view that this monster is a criminal. I’d also have emphasized that he’s surrounded himself with criminals, even admitting that they’re criminals. Cohen for example went from trusted bagman to a “life-long liar” overnight. I thought your Trump is still reportedly pushing his racist “birther” conspiracy theory about Obama - Vox offered particular insight: Trump was still pushing his Kenyan birth hoax in late 2017, along with recanting his admission that the Access Hollywood tape was genuine.

@ Peebles — I see that four months after Sage Rat tried to educate you, your ignorance was still on display. Have you clicked and read the links yet?

Of course I’m eager to hear from other Trump supporters as well.