I was just thinking, the other day, of posting to ask whether anyone here has read Brandon’s stuff. We’ve been following his career closely, since he’s a friend of my brother’s from college (BYU). He’s one of those disgusting people who can sit down and write thousands of words at a time, and specializes in long, complex fantasy novels with detailed and original magic systems. (And, more recently, a YA book about Evil Librarians.)
I’ve only read the first Wheel of Time book, years ago, so if I say I’m sure Brandon will do a good job it probably doesn’t mean anything. But I’m sure he’ll do a good job.
I’ve never read the Wheel of Time, but I got a kick out of the Evil Librarians book! As a librarian myself, it tickled me to think that I control the world. Cartoon book review!
Here’s a snippet from the interview (at this time he was getting ready to fly out to South Carolina to meet with Jordan’s widow, and hadn’t actually looked at any of the material yet):
I actually just discovered this author - I got Elantris at the library, mostly because it was reviewed positively by Orson Scott Card. I was very pleasantly surprised - I would even buy it. I’ll have to look for his other stuff. About the Wheel of Time, should I start over? I think that I have read the first one or two . . . or three. It was back when they were new-ish, so I don’t remember. Maybe I should wait until #12 is out, just to be safe.