Rogue One CGI: minor spoilers, I suppose

I thought the CGI of Peter Cushing was good, but it still looked obviously CGI to me. But I already knew he was CGI before I watched the movie, and maybe that primed me to see imperfections that were either not otherwise noticeable, or perhaps not even there at all.

I was wondering if someone went into the film not knowing he was CGI, would they notice?

Did anybody here (with decent eyesight) not previously know it was CGI? Did you notice the CGI anyway, or not?

My wife had no idea that he was CGI.

Similar thing with my wife. Near the end of the movie, though, she leaned over and asked why he looked so weird. It took her the better part of the movie to realize he was CGI.

On the other hand, I did not know that Tarkin was going to be in the movie, but I was familiar with the character. So even though I knew he’d have to be CGI, I was a little knocked off center when he first appeared on screen. I was genuinely confused for a split second.

i, too, was unaware he would be in the movie, and when he came on screen, looked a little off. i couldnt remember if he was still alive. the second time he appeared i thought to myself it must be fake!

Our employer had a private showing on opening day and a co-worker (50 something male) asked me how I liked it as we were walking out. I told him it was good but the Leia and Tarkin CGI looked a bit ‘off’. He had no idea that the Tarkin character was CGI of a dead actor.

I didn’t notice. To the extent I thought about it at all (which wasn’t much), I assumed that they had just found a younger lookalike actor, like they did with Mon Mothma.

His presence on screen was a bit disturbing, but that didn’t ring any alarms for me, because his character is supposed to be disturbing. Again, to the extent that I noticed it, I just chalked it up to good acting.

I thought the CGI Tarkin was very good; Leia less so.

Everyone I’ve talked to that had no clue who Peter Cushing or Grand Moff Tarkin was had absolutely no clue it was CGI.

I was pretty impressed with the voice imitator as well. I knew he was fake, obviously.

Seriously, though, the voice actor they used really got his voice down. It’s almost equally impressive to the digital effect.

Never thought about “uncanny valley” as a possibly useful cinematic tool before.

I thought digitally de-aged Jeff Bridges in the Tron sequel also benefited from the effect being not quite there, but of course, the “younger” Bridges in that movie was supposed to be a defective digital copy.

I’ve heard that there was some classic zombie movie or another (or maybe an alien-possession movie; same difference) where the actors all walked around backwards and they reversed the direction of the film, specifically to make things look not quite right.

Thought Tarkin was rubbery and Leia was awful.

Yeah, I was disappointed in both. Uncanny Valley for sure. I would rather they’d recast Tarkin and just showed Leia from behind (I guess they could still use the Carrie Fisher soundbite “Hope”). It’d be obvious who she was.

I wasn’t prewarned.

Because of the varying quality of the replacement Tarkin, I spent too much time on my first viewing trying to figure out if he was played by a different actor, was made with old Peter Cushing footage skillfully meshed, pure cgi, or combinations. Rather than just enjoy the movie, like I did the second time.

I didn’t remember that he was dead, so I wasn’t sure if he played himself and was digitally re-touched, or they got a lookalike to play him (and possibly did some retouching as well). Having a standin completely replaced by CGI didn’t cross my mind. If I hadn’t known that he had to have been pretty old, I might not have noticed any retouching at all.

Leia, on the other hand, was pretty obvious, but I knew she was dead.

She wasn’t dead at the time the movie was filmed, and I think it was actually Carrie Fisher in the scene (although with her face replaced with a younger version). Supposedly she’s in the next Star Wars; too – the scenes were all shot before her death.

You’re correct that Carrie Fisher was alive when Rogue One was filmed (and released), but Ingvild Deila played Leia in Rogue One, though obviously they CGI’d a young Carrie Fisher’s face over hers.

And yes, they announced that she’s completed filming her scenes for the next movie before her death.

I didn’t know there would be a CGI Peter Cushing when I went into the movie, however, I immediately identified him as CGI. And I did find it slightly jarring, but didn’t distract much. It looked OK, and if you just saw a still image, he probably looks great. But I’ve never seen a CGI character that looks natural when talking.

It was a very good rendering of Peter Cushing, but it still looked like he was pulled right out of a video game. A really, really well made video game, but a video game nonetheless.

Had they avoided straight-on close-up shots of his face, they might have pulled it off flawlessly, but as it was, he clearly stood out as fake when among the real actors. His movements were the worst part; much too smooth. He seemed like he was floating.

Carrie Fischer at the end was better, but there was still something about her that was a little bit off.