Rolling Stones Madness: Glimmer Twins

You all know who the Glimmer Twins are, don’t you?

So it is Brian vs Keith.

Sympathy for the Devil
Gimme Shelter

I have the feeling it’s gonna be a blowout.

Oh yeah, Sunday April 6 10:30 p.m. CDT we’ll bring the 2008 Rolling Stones Madness to a close.

Sympathy for the Devil

Rolling Stones Madness will never be brought to a close!

Gimme Shelter


Gimme Shelter

Gimme Shelter - the only Stones song you need.

'nuff said.

Gimme Shelter


Gimme Shelter

Sympathy for the Devil



Sympathy for the Devil

Sympathy for the Devil

Sympathy For The Devil

not crazy about either one, but forced to choose?

Gimme Shelter

Sympathy For The Devil

Sympathy For The Devil

Sympathy for the Devil

Gimme Shelter

(Best intro in rock history.)