I wonder who will replace her.
McDaniel failed spectacularly at her job, as the article notes. Yet she stayed on because she amped up her trumpiness. And that worked until it stopped working. A lesson for the party to learn from.
From the NYTimes:
Donald Trump is likely to back a supporter of his false claims of election fraud, Michael Whatley, the head of the North Carolina G.O.P., to replace her.
She failed at her job because she amped up her Trumpiness. As in, she did exactly what he told her to do. All while Trump made his own separate fund and siphoned Republican donors off to there instead.
Michael Whatley, head of a North Carolina Republican Party that ended last year $72,000 in debt and burned through most of its cash reserves. Sounds like a great pick to me!
The DNC had Debbie Wasserman Schultz. RNC’s turn for a disaster chairperson. (I think Schultz was way worse.)
So true. Let’s keep up the tradition of appointing spectacularly failing members of a personality cult so that the party can continue to fail and fail as far as the eye can see.
And then there is Kristina Karamo former head of Michigan’s Republicans.
Karamo believes that demonic possession is real and may be transferred through sexual relations. She has also said that abortion is child sacrifice and a Satanic practice, that pop stars such as Beyonce], Jay-Z, Cardi B, Ariana Grande, and Billie Eilish are tools of Satan recruiting their followers into paganism and that yoga is a ritual to summon demons.
There was a good “This American Life” episode about her election and ouster, which of course ended with both sides calling each other deep state Democrat plants.
This quote from the show sums the situation nicely
This group of people all agree on some basic issues-- election fraud, less immigration, no gun control, abortion is murder, don’t tell me when to wear a mask, don’t tell my children what to read, and the rent is too damn high.
But what’s brought them all together running this party is their lack of trust in any kind of political leadership. They are a very suspicious, conspiracy-minded group. And that’s how they look at everything, including each other. Of course they can’t agree on who the real enemy is of the cause they all actually believe in.
I think that may be a feature of many a political system. There’s an old gag about an enthusiastic new MP being shown round Westminster by a hard-bitten old lag, and on seeing the opposing side’s benches in the chamber says “And that’s where the enemy sits!”, only to get the reply “Oh no, those are your opponents - your enemies are on this side.”
One of the few brights spots about the Trump cult is that he’s hiring for loyalty, not competence. I hope that continues through the election.
I’m pretty sure that he sees his hiring of some competent people during his presidency as a major mistake, as they tended to do as the law dictated and not necessarily as he wished. If he gets reelected, he won’t make that same mistake, and we are all going to be in some serious shit. Blind obedience has never led to good results.
You’re talking about different areas of competence. You’re thinking of competence actually getting things done. The post you’re replying to is thinking of general competence, including destroying democracy.
The medium is the message. I would find it hard to support a president more interested in expressing messages than impressive policy.
I’m surprised she lasted as long as she did, being a Romney and all. Didn’t she stop calling herself “Ronna Romney McDaniel” at his insistence?
Trump will install someone who is loyal only to him. Who makes sure all the attention and money go only to him. Maybe this will wake up some Republicans who find that their campaigns aren’t getting any funding. Maybe.
But even with him wanting all the money, I can still see him insisting that the convention be a massive TRUMP ass-kissing blowout. It should be a sight to behold.
McDaniel has been an absolute failure.
Ronna McDaniel … failed to preside over a single positive election cycle.
And she pretty much did everything he told her to do. It’s all his fault, but they never seem to see the pattern of everyone getting tossed under a bus by him. They all think they will be the exception.
Yes. I’m not tired of the failing yet. Let the fails continue!
Yeah. I’ve always wondered what Mitt thought of that.
Too late for Ronna, but this is certainly a shot in the arm for the RNC: