Room 101...your greatest fear

(10 points to the first to name the reference)
On a serious note, imagine, if you will, a hallway, where you can’t get out. in front of you is a huge cylinder covered in sharp spikes, S–L--O–W--L–Y rolling toward you. I mean, this thing is monstrously massive, and it’s moving about a foot per minute. Did I mention you can’t escape?
(this is a nightmare I had when I was elementary-school-aged, and it’s what I associate with anxiety and panic attacks even now.)


He’s already accomplished the first.

The fact that you’re in his grubby mitts means you’ve failed.

Oh and after he’s finished doing whatever he does, the mental inst. is your next port of call.


Removed from my normal life to repeat a year of high school.

(What’s the grief with spiders? Spiders are cool.)

O’Brian : “We of course have overheard your mutters, observed your deepest fears . . .”

Me : “No, not that !”

O’Brian : “Yes, all that muttering about your “privacy” - bad enough in itself - and your whining that no one must read your secret thoughts in your diary. Which, of course, we have acquired.”

Me : “No, please don’t read it !”

O’Brian : “And what a silly name for a diary. “Necronomicon”, indeed. No doubt some political reference; we’ll learn soon enough. I will read every word, while you watch !”

*O’Brian reaches for the cover, opens it . . . *

I think he’s talking about the OTHER Michael Myers…
For me, actually ending up in one of the contraptions from the SAW film series. That would suck!

And proceeds to read aloud the Vogon poetry contained within.

Wooden ice cream paddles. I’m serious. Those things freak me out. I cannot stand to watch someone eat with them.

while saying Klaatu Barada… ni– Klaatu Barada…necktie! No, wait. Klaatu Barada NNNnnnnn…

Steven Wright?

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

So, I need to stay away from first person shooters, as well as Japanese game companies and activist groups concerned over forfeitures in America.

That’s some scary shit right there.

I hadn’t thought about that one, funny really considering I have regular nightmares that I’m back in school.

Falling into a pool drain and the drain being just small enough for me to be sucked through it SLOOOOOWWWLLLY…

[quote=“Sevastopol, post:43, topic:470060”]

Removed from my normal life to repeat a year of high school.

Have you read Replay?

Satellite^guy wrote:

Steven Wright routine, delivered totally deadpan (like everything he does):
“Most people are afraid of heights. I’m afraid of widths.”

  • Pale faced, gasping, sweat beading on his forehead, O’Brian reaches to turn to the next page with a shaking hand *

“This . . . being a ruthless agent of tyranny . . . isn’t as easy as it looks sometimes . . .”

Nightmares are where it comes from.

No, my imagination is brimful of terrors as it is.

Well death I suppose but if I’m afraid of death I might aswell be afraid of the Sun or my toenails growing, shrug it’s nature.

Guns I find scary, they’re vicious and sleek. I can imagine holding a gun and how incredibly nervous I would feel and how daintily I would handle it. Then I’m afraid I might have the urge to shoot myself, not in a depressive way understand! But in a way where you’re walking along a cliff edge and your brain sort of dares you to stand really close to the edge.
I believe there was an essay written by Edgar Allen Poe(?) about such feelings…? Plus there was an entire thread dedicated to it.

Oh and another thing for Room 101?

John McCain’s voice. It’s a bit like nails on chalkboard; goes right through me.

How very Roger Waters-ish of you.