Roommate From Hell

You came to me one day and asked if I wanted to move in so you wouldnt get stuck with anyone you didnt know. I decided sure what the heck at least I get air conditioning and my own bathroom. If I would have known then that you were Satan in disguise trying to lead me to you firery pits of Hell I would have ran in a heart beat.

From day one you took over my stuff and later my S.O.'s when he brought his over for “us” to use. You were always at his computer playing those fucking Yahoo games when we really needed the computer for school work. When you needed to study you asked for silence we gave that to you…when it became vis versa you pretty much said FUCK OFF when you decided to watch TV with the volume up loud, or the computer volume up hearing those annoying beeps from you games. Being the selfish bitch that you are you felt as though every part of the room was yours and if my stuff was in a spot you wanted you crap you would throw mine aside. WTF is up with that…I thought the room at least was divided in equally when there are roommates.

You need all the attention you can get and when you dont get it you take from the person who really needs it. In the morning you come in Being loud as Fuck knowing I and my SO are sleeping you come over to MY bed start talking to me about your day as loud as you Fucking can waking me and my SO up and not allowing us to go back to bed till you leave. Even then you leave every light on and the TV blaring. Why is it you feel the need in FUCKING summer to SHUT OFF the air conditioning and turn on the FUCKING HEAT and then when I ask you say you didnt touch the damn thing. Gees I guess It did it itself huh jennifer. You take as you please and help yourself to all my food that I bought with my OWN FUCING MONEY! When me and my SO want a night out with each other you simply invite yourself to come along even after we say we want it to be just us…then you expect him to pay for you too because you lack the cash! You decided to have guest who are 12 years old for a week without really asking and which ended up being a busy week for me and my SO academically, and you pretty much kick us out of what is also MY FUCKING ROOM!

I could go on forever about the stuff you have done to make my last semester complete hell, but the one you pulled last night really topped the cake. Its 2:30AM I finish up my work and “try” to go to bed because I have to go to work at 6:45, but you like usual decide you are going to be loud as fuck, turning on every fucking light in the room, crackling paper as you cut it for you stupid project, slamming doors as you go through things. I go through this until 3:00am and I ask how late you are going to be up and you say really late (which I thought it was already late but who am I). I polititly ask you if you could do you work in the study lounge (which is 3 to 4 doors down from the room) you say no because there are people in there studying. WTF I am in here trying to sleep doesnt that fucking matter…I thought you are to have some respect for you roommate that late of night. I contiued to express the fact I couldnt sleep because of all your noise and lights and you simply said “I understand” and fucking blew me off and continued to do what you were doing till 5:00AM allowing me only 1 hour and 45 min. of FUCKING sleep if I was lucky. Okay bitch now really have done it…oh how I wish I could pay you back for all you put me through, but my SO says to not lower myself to your level. All I want to say to you right now is I FUCKING HATE YOU…you self-centered, only child, dont care about anybody else other than yourself, disrespectible fucking piece of shit. I so hate you words can not express the hate I have for you. You are a bitch and you wonder why all your so called friends dont want to be around you…including your boyfriend. Get A FUCKING HINT and stop thinking about just yourself! All I can say is good bye you fucking bitch ass whore and good ridence to you when I am safetly in my apartment far away from you. Oh still how I crave for total payback…someday you will get what you desirve…maybe not from me but when you do I hope it pisses you more so than I am now!

Simple solution:

Remove all your valuables from the room. Then, airlift a Lake-Placid-sized gator into the room, and leave it there for a few days. See if your now-armless roommate gives you any more trouble after that.

(to people named jaennifer who aren’t shitbags… please ignore this)

This is just another fine example of people named jennifer who are a total waste of breatheable air. I have never met a jen, jennifer, jenny, or any other type of ‘jen’ who couldn’t do the world a favor by kicking off. Seriously, I never believed in the whole “your name affects what you do/act like” until I realized that all twelve or fourteen Jen’s I know are a waste of flesh.

Please, do not name your kids Jennifer.
punk snot dead

I wish I could spell.

Whatever you say, broccoli!


You must live in the Negative Universe, where everything good is evil. Have you seen this thread?

Do you know any bad Jennys?

Did you ever think that your “Roommate from Hell” is sick and fucking tired of your SO constantly being in HER space. She wanted ONE roommate, you.

Maybe she thinks YOU are the roommate from hell.

no - i missed that one… lemme see it…

(looking now)

Well apparently i’m not alone in the ‘evil Jen’ thing. I’m not sure if that’s comforting or not.

punk snot dead


I am sorry for your frustrating situation- I truly am. BUT- I suspect that I know exactly why she wanted you as a roommate.

She walks all over you and you do not stop it?
You say “Hey, I need this computer for school work. Get off”. She says “No, I’m playing Yahoo games”. You presumably say “OK” and get mad to yourself.
How about “OK, this is not a request, it is a demand. Get the fuck off my computer NOW. Pronto. Immediately.” It doesn’t even belong to her and she has first dibs?? How did that happen?

Again, you say NO. No, no, no. No guilt, no pressure, just NO. You cannot go. You cannot eat my food, freeloader. NO. Try it! It’s not as hard as it sounds, and it will probably shock her shitless.

Once again, the keyword is NO. No way, no fucking how, not gonna happen Jennifer.

I hate to sound like Ann Landers, but you are being taken advantage of. No one can take advantage of you without you allowing it to occur. I am suggesting trying some assertive tactics now (like saying NO and meaning it) or your life will be REALLY miserable later. There are lots of Jennifers in the world, and the earlier you learn to deal with them, the better. If not, you’ll be posting years from now about how your bitch officemate takes advantage of you, drinks your expensive coffee, and snoops on your computer.

I respectfully suggest you get a set of balls and tell Jennifer where the bear shit in the woods, for your own sake.


Dingdingding! This is exactly what I was going to say. As someone who’s been “the other roommate” in this kind of situation, I can tell you that there are few things quite so abso-fucking-lutely positively ANNOYING as when your roommate’s boyfriend/girlfriend decides to just kind of move in. And all of a sudden you’re not living in a 10x14’ room with one other person, but two.


Sounds like your SO has pretty well set up shop in your room, IMHO. Did you ever ask her if she minded, or cared, or would be bothered by that state of affairs? I strongly suspect you didn’t. After all, YOU probably think your SO’s the greatest, so why could anyone possibly be irritated by his/her presence? Which is why I’ll bet you missed the irony that’s just dripping off this statement:

So you’re crying about your roommate having a guest for ONE WEEK without asking, when you’ve apparently had a ‘guest’ over all semester? Boo fucking hoo.

I had a roommate in the dorms like you once…second semester, he hooked up with this girl and next thing I knew, she was always just sort of “there.” She’d hang out in our room when he wasn’t around and wait for him, she’d get calls from her friends there, and she’d crash in his bed basically every night (and she snored. LOUDLY.) Never once did my roommate even begin to find out if this was cool by me; he just did it without asking. Finally, I nicely asked him if he could maybe tone it down a bit, and he sounded a lot like you, telling me it to “fuck off, it’s my room and I’ll do what I want to.”

So I started repaying the inconsiderateness pound for pound: blaring the TV (especially Univision and Sabado Gigante ;)) when he was trying to study, turning on all the lights when I came in late, and putting a password on my computer that I’d let him use. It didn’t really solve anything, I admit, but it sure did feel good. And it sounds a lot like what your roommate’s doing right now.

What’s the matter with hanging out at your SO’s place? You both get away from your “bitch ass whore” roommate, and you might even solve the problem.

So, you want to study in your room, but she has to use the study hall? I wonder what kind of demonic roommate that you are through her eyes.

I had a similar situation back in the ol’ college days. I had been randomly matched with this particular roommate, and since we didn’t have much in common, we pretty much each lived separately. We were polite to each other, but not buddy-buddy, and not rude either. No tension that I was aware of.

Well, my on-campus job required me to get up around 6 am on weekend mornings. One Friday night I came home from the bars around midnight, and as I walked down the hall (my room was at the end), I saw that the door was slightly ajar and the lights were off. I walked in to see Roommate and (previously unseen) Boyfriend both asleep in her bed. Covered up at least, thank you. Well, I didn’t want to sleep in that tiny room with the both of them, and I didn’t want to be treated to any middle-of-the-night quickies. So I quickly and quietly grabbed what I would need for the morning, closed and locked the door, and slept at a friend’s house.

Didn’t see the roommate at all after that. Monday morning the hall director calls me down and asks me to sign some kind of paperwork. Dear Roomie was moving out because I was “difficult to communicate with.” Yeah right. You invite Boyfriend to spend the night without even telling, much less asking me, then fall asleep leaving the door open so all my stuff can get stolen while you sleep it off? Clueless bitch. At least she was kind enough to move out.

You can only be abused when YOU CHOOSE to allow yourself to be abused.

::sadly missing his long sig::

Okay Okay I have to clear up a few things first of all I let her know before I agreed to move in and before she agreed to let me that my SO would be there everyday and stay over. She said she was cool with that and she could see where I was coming from because if her SO was up here he would be doing the same thing. So with that arrangement we agreed on roomming with each other…hell if she didnt have agreed on that I would have kept my single! Also yes in fact I did ask her about bringing in all the other stuff of my SO to the room and she said she didnt mind one bit…so dont fucking go assuming shit because assuming just makes an ass of you!

Also I do most of my studying at work so no I dont study in the room that often and when I do I at least make sure its at a fucking decent hour not late knowing the other person there needs to get to bed and I do not disturb her at all! And not to mention that this was definately something that didnt need the computer and could be have been taken to a place less bothersome to the roommate trying to sleep. I mean hell have some respect!

The nasty SO checking in here. First off she did okay it by her roommate. Hell I was there when she said she didn’t mind. To tell you the truth everything was fine up until the little kids came to stay with her. After that she just flipped. She was pretty decent now it’s just like she has turned all bitchy and needed someone to take it out on and that would be kremit.

Again some people assumed she never asked when in fact she did. And now all you can come down to is petty name calling and the like? This is kremit’s pit rant. Don’t turn it against her just because you don’t know the whole story.

And monocracy obviously you fucking missed the part where she said her roommate was up doing shit at 5 in the morning when she could have easily taken it to the study lounge. It’s not that she doesn’t want her to study in the room it’s the simple fact that she was doing it at 5 am.

I stand by my post- read it, know it, live it. No one pulls that shit without you (collective you) allowing it to happen. Put a stop to it immediately, or get used to being a doormat. It’s one or the other.

Good luck,

How about kicking bad roommate to the curb and going it alone, or getting a new roomie???