Rosie O'Donnell to Replace Bob Barker?

News story here: Bob Barker endorses Rosie O’Donnell for ‘The Price Is Right’ host – The Mercury News.

My best friend is going to plotz. He loves that show and is truly sad Bob is leaving. He thinks they should cancel the show and not have it go on without him. Me, I haven’t watched since high school.

I can see it now. Rosie’s bombastic style, the show’s lighthearted tone. Well, except for the time Bob was getting pissed at the contestant who couldn’t get the instructions he kept spoonfeeding her, so that she could correct her guesses before time ran out.

I can see it now. Rosie blasting guests who get it wrong everyday day.

“What are you, a Donald Trump wannabe?”

"If I’d wanted somebody stupid, I’d’ve told Elisabeth Hasselbeck to “come on down. Sheesh.”

She’d be better as the host for the Gong Show. Why? She couldn’t make it worse, and I’d like her to have to endure that all day.

I’d be very surprised if this happened, her friendship with Bob Barker notwithstanding. I think John O’Hurley and George Hamilton are both better choices.

If Rosie got the job it would be the end of ‘Price’.

Damn straight. I think the media is making too much of this. Bob is friends with Rosie. Rosie told Bob she’d always wanted to host the show. Bob isn’t against that idea. End of story. It’s not gonna happen. Big whoop.
Rosie would be fine as host if it’s the ten-years-ago Rosie, back when she was positively jovial as a stand-up and not yet a total bitch.

Clearly, Barker’s senility has manifested itself with a vengance the last few days. He retired just in time.

What would Adam Sandler’s chances be in a fight with Rosie O’Donnell?

She’d kick his ass.

Not if fought as Opera Man!*

  • Just kidding, he’d be a dead man.

I always thought Barker was openly mocking the contestants, regardless of their cluefulness (word? doubt it!).

I never liked the show; it can die and I wouldn’t feel a thing. For those that like it, perhaps someone like Pat Cejak would do…How about Wayne Brady?

Thinking about this over some beverages (thank YOU, ancient Sumerians!), how cool would it be to have Sandler as the host?

Cut to the Showcase Showdown:
*You bid $14,369. The actual retail price is $13,128. The price is wrong, bitch! * punch

I thought Bob already selected some weatherman from an LA TV station.

Hell no, I don’t think Rosie will get the show. I think her abrasivness if late will definitely stand in her way.

I always thought David Lee Roth would be perfect for the gig, until his radio show meltdown and his insane-grinning bluegrass performance of jump. Now i just think he’s another celebrity ass.

:smack: Damn you! I had finally forgotten about that abomination, and you have to go and remind me of it. If I have nightmares tonight, it’s YOUR fault! :eek:

Doesn’t matter to me. The show’s dead in the water without Bob.

True story…

One day, I was telling my wife that I thought Peter Tomarken (old Press Your Luck host) would be great for replacing Bob Barker when he eventually retired. I had recently seen the GSN Press Your Luck special.

Next day, Peter Tomarken died.

Now I’m afraid to mention who I’d like to see get the job.

Price Is Right is not exactly Meet The Press…Rosie would do just fine…she is good with people, witty and certainly has the enthusiasm.

The question is if she would move to LA, or if the show would move to NYC…plus, would CBS risk it…if she quits after two months?

You have to admit the ratings would skyrocket for a few weeks/months just to see how she does.

Have your Rosie spayed or neutered…

George Hamilton certainly would be a very good choice. He’s personable and would have good chemistry with the contestants. John O’Hurley is currently doing Family Feud for a different producer. Would his current employer let him moonlight? Or would he leave the Feud to do Price? He certainly has game show credentials in his resume. As for Pat Sajak? He’s been host of Wheel of Fortune for too long. I don’t see him leaving Wheel or adding Price to his workload. Wayne Brady would be good though. He’s extremely talented and personable and he’s done a five-day-a-week show before.

Both The Price is Right and Family Feud are produced by Fremantle Media. (Mark Goodson Productions no longer exists- they just use the name at the end of Price for nostalgia’s sake.)