RPF Destroys Huge Beer Consignment from Burma

Story here.

“A consignment of canned beer, brought in from Myanmar, was seized and later destroyed by activists of the underground RPF/PLA yesterday, a spokesperson of the group informed reporters.”

Ye Gods!

“They did what?
“They blew up the beer truck.”
“Those bastards! Those heartless, cruel bastards!”
“It was full of Coors Light, sir.”
“Such unmitigated ga-- wait, what? Oh. Well, then. Send them my congratulations.”

Scoff if you will, but this atrocity will NOT go unanswered. I call on frat boys the world over to take up arms.

"Shure… we burned the truck (hic !) and we are now shlowly (burp !) deshtroying itsh cargo.

This is reminiscent of the Nazi beer burnings.

I didn’t see Mu Beta Beer get all uppity about this is a tragic accident.

I burning you beer.

In Russia, beer burns YOU