Rugby World Cup Predictions

Well it’s just over two months until kickoff so I thought it might be time to start a Rugby World Cup predictions thread.

This site lists the fixtures and so on. Here’s my take on each team’s chances:

Pool A
Australia - the reigning world champions and hosts have looked a bit shaky this year with losses to New Zealand and England. They should comfortable top the pool but will probably have to face New Zealand in the semifinals.
Argentina - The Pumas looked pretty good against South Africa this year, and have been hard to beat at home. A strong contender to qualify second in the Pool and may even cause an upset by beating the hosts in the opening match.
Ireland - The Irish have been fairly competitive of late, I’m not sure how they went int he Six Nations but they did beat Australia last November in Dublin. Their game versus Argentina will probably decide the second place in Pool A.
Namibia - The other Southern African team, will probably struggle but may beat Romania to avoid the wooden spoon.
Romania - Has a long rugby history but will struggle to make any impact.

Pool B
Fiji - Always a force in sevens, the Fijians have flair to burn but never quite seem to adjust to the full verison of the game. Watch for Caucaunibuca, who took the Super 12 by storm this year, a fantastic winger with pace to burn. Might get up to make the quarter finals.
France - Should have no problems topping this group, but then the French are notoriously unpredictable. Will probably come up against England in the semis.
Japan - Has the dubious honour of suffering the largest defeat in any World Cup thus far, losing 145-17 to the All Blacks in 1995. A hard-working team that just don’t seem to have the grunt to make it at the top level. Unluckly to make the quarters.
Scotland - Looked good against South Africa earlier this year with two narrow losses that the Scots arguably deserved to win. Their game against Fiji will probably decide second int he group.
USA - Yes America does play rugby. The USA were lucky to qualify, being the last team of the 20 to confirm their place in the tournament. May win against Japan but will probably be outgunned by the rest of the Pool. The USA play France on Halloween (grudge match anyone?).

Pool C
England - Currently ranked number one England have been unbeaten for far too long IMHO. Recently beat Australia and New Zealand away and last year beat all three Tri-nations on consecutive weekends at Twickenham. Barring a disaster against France in the semis England look like making the final.
Georgia - A bit of an unknown quantity, the men from the Caucasus are playing in their first World Cup. The Gorgians beat Russia at home in Tbilisi to qualify. Are unlikely to make any impact here though in what looks to be the toughest pool of all. And no, none of team is named Dzhugashvili.
Samoa - Currently struggling financially, Samoan rugby has a proud tradition at World Cup level but face the twin mountains of England and South Africa to make the quarters. It would be a huge upset if they did.
South Africa - South African rugby has fallen back a long way since the game went professional. Barring an upset against England (who beat them by fifty points last time they played) South Africa will probably come second in this pool, which puts them against New Zealand in the quarters.
Uruguay - Qualified by beating the USA 10-9, Uruguay will struggle here. Will have to beat Georgia to avoid the wooden spoon in this group.

Pool D
Canada - Could pull off a surprise visit to the quarter finals if they can beat Wales and Italy. The strongest team in North America, the Canadians were recently humbled by New Zealand Maori at home.
Italy - The newest member of the Six Nations, Italy is improving but will have to step up another level to take second place in the pool against the likes of Wales and Canada.
New Zealand The current favourites, New Zealand will have no trouble topping this pool. Recent thrashings of Australia and SOuth Africa look promising. However to make the final New Zealand will have to beat both these teams and then take on either France or (more probably) England to win the tournament.
Tonga - Sadly lacking in player depth and unlikely to make it through, the Tongans will probably be happy to scrape a victory to avoid last place in the pool.
Wales - Another team wiht a proud history but now fallen on lean times, Wales ought to be a shoe-in for second spot. But their continued poor form and recent thrashing by New Zealand mean that they could be upset by Canada or Italy. Even if they do make it to the quarters, they’ll have to face England, which is not a pleasant prospect for any team.

Well there’s my thoughts, sorry aboout the long OP. Any other opinions about the various teams chances?

I don’t care any more. I think New Zealand are absolute bloody morals. They are by a long way the most interesting team to watch and I naturally curse them from the depths of my Aussie heart. Watch them over the next couple of weeks as they crush South Africa and Australia.

I think the way they are playing now you have to assume in any game that they will score lots of points. I can’t see that any other world team can be confident of outscoring them given most other teams lack of vision, they will try to win with defence and I hope that fails.

Ireland are gonna walk it. No problems. In my dreams :wink:

My head says **New Zealand **, because they will not let England humiliate them again. They will be back out to reclaim their rightful place as number one.

South African rugby is in a complete mess at the moment and unless something changes really really quickly I don’t think they stand much of a chance although I do hope I am wrong.

I predict a NZ Vs. England final and hopefully England will take the win, restoring a bit of pride to Northern hemisphere rugby.

Seems like New Zealand are the favourites then, although Skip holds out some hope for England. A South African supporting England? Wonders never cease.

Tonight’s news features a story that Fijian star Caucaunibuca has gone missing in Fiji, if any dopers know of his whereabouts the Fijian rugby union would be grateful if they could let them know where he is…

Who do I want to win it? Fiji. I’ve supported them for as long as I can remember, but it’s unlikely they’ll progress far. They’re floundering a bit in sevens too.

Who do I think will win it? I think it’s a tossup between England and NZ. England’s been riding high for a while now and they may have that mental edge. I guess we’ll see who wants it more :smiley:

The All Black have really straightened out their game after the narrow loss to England early in the season (actually, it was their first game of the year). No injuries, knock of wood (or is that Leon MacDonald’s head?*).

England have played blumming well against the South Hemisphere sides, and have shown they can win away from home. Whether or not they can sustain the momentum awaits to be seen.

If we don’t choak or get food poisoning, it should be an absolute thriller against the Lions. Mind you, the Wallabies have a home advantge and enough mental toughness to brush off their lackluster performance, so it should be a tight semifinal game too.

Oh, and expect some gloating if we win the Bledisole back from Australia in the next fortnight.

*For those of you who are playing at home, Leon MacDonald is a NZ rugby player who was concussed a few times in the last year and was sidelined for a few months due to headaches and dizzy spells. Apparently he’s better now.

Oh I’ll be getting very drunk on Saturday week, either to drown my sorrows at yet another Bledisloe loss or celebrating the Cup’s return to its rightful home!

Don’t mention food poisoning Rabid_Squirrel! The scars of 1995 have yet to heal…

As the flags still fly at half mast hereabouts following home defeats by England and ‘that’ team from across the Tasman it only seems right that they both meet in the final - be good to see ‘that’ team win as well - it’ll stop the poms thinking they are good at sport…

I was really looking forward to the World Cup this year up until the start of our domestic test season. I have tickets to all of the games in Brisbane plus the 2 Brisbane quarters and the Semis in Sydney, but the way the Wallabies have played has really made me dread the cup this year.

I still think that there will be some great games, but I honestly can’t see anyone coming close to the All Blacks this year - they are as good a side as I have seen.

I am going to have to agree with Skip’s analysis, although if you accuse me of supporting either of the two there will be hell to pay!! :wink: This is a grudging admission, not a statement of desire!! My heart’s longing is for the Boks to throw off the shackles of thuggery that are dragging them down and glide gracefully to an undeniable success… however… :frowning:

Latest news - England may lose two key players to injury


Look on the bright side grimpixie South Africa have the best World Cup record of any team, only ever losing one game (semifinal against Aussie in 1999). That’s pretty damn impressive form when it matters and there’s still two months to improve.

Kiwiboy you are SUCH a kiwiboy. Always the first to start a rugby/cricket thread. Stop asking the enemy just believe. It’s 1987 all over again. I was in Pommieland then it was soooooo sweet.
The netball girls taught the Aussies that this is our year, the boys can’t lose after that! (well they could lose but they would have to emigrate lol) And a Kiwi Pommie final in Aussie would be magic…cause you know the Aussie crowd would go all Jamican and be begging us to win :smiley:

Yep, guilty as charged.

The Jamaicans supprting the SIlver Ferns in the final was very cool. They were probably cheering loader than a New Zealand crowd would have!

It’s not like there could be any doubt. New Zealand takes it all, and as a fringe benefit I get to see the cool-ass war dance before the game. :slight_smile:

The All Blacks are deserving favorites. England are playing better than I’ve ever seen them play - in the match against the Wallabies the other week they scored a try after about ten phases of play. They didn’t press or overplay their position, they didn’t look for the penalty: it was all powerful, controlled, attacking rugby.

But there is such a thing as peaking too early. And I would never write off a Wallaby team with Steve Larkham in it. A 5/8 that really clicks can make a forward pack look good and can make a back line.

I’d like to see Wales do well. One of my earliest memories is my Dad throwing me up in the air when Wales scored a good try. He claims he still does it, it’s just that it’s been a while.

Ah, the Maori Haka. I remember from the latest(?) rugby World cup in England and Wales that the English team said something like “If the all blacks are allowed to perform a Haka we want to sing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot!”. That would have been a sight to see. :wink:

In his current form Larkham makes it easier to write of the Wallabies - he is indecisive, taking many poor options, starting the backline moving cross field and still has the same mediocre kicking game he has never bothered rectifying. Watch in a week or so and imagine how much better we would go with Carlos Spencer at 5/8…or Andrew Johns.

Andrew Johns would make a fantastic first-five, I wouldn’t be surprised if the ARU has waved the cheque book at him before now. Am glad he’s sticking with league!

Great thread. you guys are gonna hate me but this rugby ignoramous may have a shot to go to the kickoff October 10th match in Melbourne courtesy of my company.

I am going to keep up on the threads though so I can learn something.

My colleagues are going crowing that it will be England and S. Africa in the final