Rules the world taught you...

Many of the best lessons I’ve learned have already been posted (social skills matter more than brains in most circumstances, you should follow your instincts, the Golden Rule really works, etc.) But here are some that I’ve found to be pretty important:

  1. When dealing with semi-bureaucratic institutions (medium-sized offices and university departments come to mind here), keep in mind that it’s always easier and better to ask forgiveness than permission.

  2. When in a relationship, never give up or compromise anything that’s really important to you. The dissatisfaction you’ll feel will poison the relationship. No matter how the other person feels, don’t back down. If the relationship ends because the other person wants you to give up something you hold dear and you refuse, then you’re better off without him or her.

  3. If your roommate doesn’t pay his or her bills for three months, kick the bum out. It doesn’t matter what your roommate says about not coughing up–get rid of them. That will save you a lot of money and emotional energy.

  4. After your early twenties, money starts to matter a lot more than it did. By 25 or 26, you’ll find that having a social life and getting any esteem from others becomes impossible without it.

  1. Skipping Prom will not ruin your life.
    1a. Not having a date in HS will not ruin your life.
    1b. People who wish they could go back were on top of the food chain.
  2. Drinking and Smoking is the same as putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger, except slower.
  3. Not only is life not fair, it fights dirty.
  4. Expect the worst. That way when you’re wrong, it’s not painful.
  5. Always look for quiet toddlers.
  6. Never trust an innocent looking toddler, go check for damage.
  7. You do not “deserve” anything.
  8. You may not be treated fairly.
  9. The world prefers a pretty surface.
    10.When driving, always assume other drivers are out to get you.
    11.Don’t hate. It just ruins your life, and doesn’t bother the object of your hatred.
  10. Living well is the best revenge.
  11. In the end, you will be judged for how you act, not anyone else. So behave and realise you can’t blame others
  12. No matter what label people choose, we are all human.

My Tagline says it all.

I was inspired by another thread that just popped up: realize that no matter what you do or how much you yell, people are going to do exactly what they set their minds to do before they heard your opinion. I try to remind myself this every day. Oh, and when they screw it all up, have enough grace not to say those four little words that everyone longs to say.

  1. Forgive thoroughly; what’s the point if you still hold some of it back?

  2. Don’t be so forgiving that you forget yourself.

  3. Everyone needs to be cared for sometimes - even you.

  4. God has a sense of humor… just look at giraffes.

Le Sang

  1. Always treat people you love like you’re never going to see them again.

  2. If you’re afraid to do something, take a deep breath and do it anyway.

  3. Never, ever spend time regretting didn’t do. Just go out and do it now.


Please add a “what you” between “didn’t” and “do” in No. 3.

I picked the wrong weekend to quit sniffing glue. . . :stuck_out_tongue:

Sharing a room for one year in college made my best friend and I even closer. I think of her as my sister now.

If a friendship can’t survive close quarters, it wasn’t that strong in the first place.


That’s true. Everytime I leave the house, I say, “I love you!” to my parents, no matter how mad I am at them. I remember “I love you” was the last things I said to my grandfather and great-grandmother before they died.

Courtesey of Don Vito Corleone via Michael:
“Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.”

And my own: Don’t talk all the time. People are more willing to pay attention and listen if you’re quiet and then speak when neccessary than if you just talk all the time with nothing important to say.

Also, don’t throw a tantrum at someone if in an arguement. It makes the other person look bad if they’re the one throwing the tantrum, and you’re quietly waiting for them to stop, so that you can talk to them rationally. And that’s what we want, isn’t it? :smiley:

Temper tantrums WILL NOT get you what you want. Most people respond much more positively to cheerful and reasonable persistence.

The whole honey/vinegar schtick.


Here are my contributions (learned from experience):

  1. Be nice to everyone, no matter how you really feel about them. Someday, you may need something from someone, and people remember kindness.

  2. When life turns on you, don’t think “it could always be worse”. Think “How can I use this as an opportunity to improve myself?”

  3. Never do anything that wouldn’t make your mom proud.


  • never try to commit suicide, and then 3 months later sell everything you own and buy a bus ticket to Seattle from Kansas City to meet an abusive chinese-australian guy who will make you his little love slave

Other than that, live life by the seat of your pants as much as possible :slight_smile:

But I really like RickJay’s top 20. Might have to hang that one up myself… In any case, here’s mine:
[li]Don’t hesitate when the need is urgent. Even if you don’t know what’s really going on, it’s better to have an awkward moment in the short term than to continually look back and think, “If only I’d have helped.”[/li]
[li]People ALWAYS try to put a spin on things to make themselves look good. (Though in fact, it makes them look untrustworthy.) If you focus on the verifiable facts, you’ll be able to see through it.[/li]
[li]It is a waste of time to argue a point with someone who frankly isn’t going to act on it anyway. [sub](Corrolary of “choose your battles”)[/sub][/li]
[li]When all is said and done, there’s a lot more said than done.[/li]
[li]If everyone is on your side, you’re probably doing something wrong.[/li]
[li]BEWARE the effect of groupthink / peer pressure. If you make a decision, make sure you do so without regards to these effects.[/li]
[li]Sometimes there are people on the sideline who can’t participate… don’t feel so sorry for them that it gets you down. Instead, enjoy your time in the game, because eventually you’ll be on the sidelines yourself. And when you are on the sidelines, cheer for those in the game with all your heart.[/li]
[li]Trust people. It makes them feel more confident, and like you more. [sub]Plus, if they screw it up, you can just blame it on them anyway.[/sub][/li]
And finally, like MsRobyn says, be nice to everyone. Not necessarily because you may want something from them in return, but rather because we all need to make the world a nicer place.


"Life’s Lessons" that others told me, but turned out to be lies:
[ul][li]“If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.” Truth is, some jobs are meant to be done half-assed. [sub]Besides, this way you save face: if it falls apart even though you’d done your best, you’re a failure. But if you do your second-best and it falls, you have a good excuse. [/sub] :D[/li]
[li]“Every cloud has a silver lining” No, sometimes life really sucks. But the good news is that life doesn’t suck all the time.[/li][/ul][/hijack]

Hmmmmm… Kinda reminds me of some Atheists I know…

Listening rarely hurts and often helps.

Sometimes there’s nothing to do but accept and move on.

Aim for having no regrets…it may not happen, but it’s a good way to start.

Stuff happens. Deal, mourn, celebrate, then move on.

Ask only when you really want to know.
When you really want to know, ask.

Smiling has a positive influence on your day.

Give people the opportunity to be better then they are.

Discussing and arguing are different things.

Take the tiara off before setting heavy things on your head.

I suck.

Never stick your finger in a baby’s mouth to see if her tooth has come in. She’ll offer proof.


**Guide To Reality ** by Shirley Ujest

( I send a copy of this out to all my younger cousins when they graduate and every year this gets longer and longer. It is always well received. My personal Commandents of Shirley are bold or italicized. And for long time dopers, you may see some of your sig lines cribbed here.)

  1. By the time you make ends meet, someone moves the ends.

  2. When your mind goes blank, remember to turn off the volume.

3.On Gardening:
Plant, and your spouse plants with you.
Weed and you weed alone.

4.You can’t build your reputation on what you are going to do. - Henry Ford

5.It is easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.

6.Sometimes you have to lose a battle to Win the War.

7.Indecision is the key to flexibility.

8.He who knows he has enough is rich. - Chinese Proverb

9.Most people are willing to change, not because they see the light, but because they feel the heat.

  1. The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it is unfamiliar territory.

11.** The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing. **

12.**Never make a threat you cannot carry out. **

13.One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to others.

  1. We may pass violets looking for Roses.
    We may pass contentment looking for Victory.
    -From a Chinese Fortune Cookie.

15.Freedom, after all, is simply being able to live with the consequences of your decisions. (this is my sig.)

16.If ignorance is bliss, then why aren’t more people orgasmic?

17.Love does not make the world go 'round.
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

18.The road to a successful relationship is always under construction.

19.Never pack more than you can carry.

20.Take half the clothing and twice the money.

21.Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite. Futhermore, always carry a small snake. - WC Fields.

22.I hear and I forget. I see and I forget. I do and I remember. -Confucius.
23.You’ll take a job just because the money is great…Once.

24.It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence. - William Kingdon Clifford.

  1. Think ahead.

26.If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

27.**Never be afraid to ask someone a question, but be damn sure you are willing and ready for the answer. You just may not like it. **

28.Eat less, move more.

  1. Before going out with a bunch of people to a bar/restaurant, make sure you have plenty of five’s, tens and singles in your wallet. If everyone has the usual twenties from the ATM machines, it’s a total pain to settle up the bill and somehow what was once a lovely evening loses it’s sparkle by haggling over the change and who pays/owes what. This is followed by. Always ask for separate checks.

30.Don’t buy knick knacks/souvenirs inside the amusement park first thing upon arrival: 1) You will have to carry it all day. 2) By the end of the day the impulse will have passed and 3) you can usually find it cheaper off Park Property. 3) Do you really need a sombrero the size of Rhode Island?

31.Nothing cures communism like a Big Mac. - P.J. O’Rourke.

32.** Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes. **
P.J. O’Rourke. (This is a perfect retort to hurl at the Save The Lemming Protesters or March for Gout Fund Raisers.)

33.After the blisters and the corns and the aching feet, you will discover you don’t give a rat’s butt on what others think of your feet as long as your tootsies are comfortable. The moral: Comfortable shoes are worth every penny.

34.Take snacks with you on long flights.

35.If you give noisy gifts to a friend’s child, expect to be paid back in spades.

36.When we focus on solving problems, we avoid placing blame.

37.You cannot lead someone to a positive change by doing something for them what they should be doing themselves.

38.The difference between a man and woman is that a man will pay ten dollars for a one dollar item he wants, and a woman will pay one dollar for a two dollar item she doesn’t need.

39.The price of greatness is responsibility. - Winston Churchill.

  1. Madness takes its toll on all of us, have exact change ready.

41.Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances. - Thomas Jefferson

  1. In order to get what you have never had, you must do what you’ve never done.

43.Give a man a fish,
He’ll eat for a day.
Give a man a remote,
And he’ll never speak again.

44.One cannot travel heavy, happy and cheap. Pick two.

45.Either the house looks good or I look good. It cannot be both.

46.Don’t subject family and friends to home videos unless they show an interest in them. And if they do show an interest in them, suspect their intelligence or they want to borrow something.

47.Understanding does not necessarily mean agreement.

48.Take a good look at your Mother and Father and Grandparents Bodies. Now look at your body and realize you will inherit this body. Learn to deal with it. ( In the end, we all wear elastic waist pants and velcro tennis shoes. It is inevitable.)

  1. There are two sides to every story.
    Listen to both.

  2. If you haven’t heard from an old kind-of friend/class mate in a while, you can bet that they are calling to ask for something.

  3. The story is told of five men sitting around a potbellied stove, Arguing about which is the “right” religion - which offers the greatest assurance of salvation. It was a fruitless discussion because no one could agree. Finally, they turned to a wise old fellow
    Who had been sitting in the corner, listening.
    “Gentlemen, " began the man.” When the cotton is picked, there are several ways to get it to the gin. We can take it the Northern Route - it’s longer but the road is better. Or we can take it the Southern Route - which is shorter and full of chuckholes. Or we can go over the mountain,
    even though it’s more perilous. When we reach the gin, though the man doesn’t ask which way we came. He simply asks, " Brother, how good is your cotton?"
    - Dale Turner, Grateful Living.

  4. You can pick your friends, your nose and your stocks.
    You cannot pick your boss, your in-laws or your neighbors.
    You can leave all of the latter three, but it will cost you.

55.** People ask you for your opinion,
Mainly not because they are interested
In your views, but to confirm their own.**
56. If you want to 1) liven up a conversation,
2) Start an argument, 3)learn about human nature,
or 4)or just never be invited back,
here is a list of Conversational Taboo’s to start
off with: Once you start the thing going, just sit back
watch how quick people are to get mad.
Religion Sex
Politics Diets
Gun Control Abortion pro/con

Then when things are getting heated, interrupt and
Tell everyone to switch sides.

  1. So the Universe is not quite as you thought it was.
    You’d better rearrange your beliefs, then.
    Because you certainly cannot rearrange the Universe.
  • Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg in Nightfall.

58.*** I have learned more from my worst boss on how not to manage and treat coworkers, than from my best boss.***

  1. Change your thoughts and You change your world. -Norman Vincent Peale.

  2. What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.- Eleanor Powell

  3. You can have it all. You just can’t have it all at once.

  4. If you had it all, just where would you put it?

  5. A father is a man who expect his children
    to be as good as he meant to be.

64.Every now and then, go away, take a little relaxation,
because when you come back to your work, your judgement will
be surer. To remain constantly at work will cause
you to lose power of judgement. Go some distance away, because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance, and lack of harmony or proportion is more readily seen.
-Leonardo da Vinci
65.* Avoid insecure people at all costs. They will suck you emotionally dry.*
(If you cannot avoid them because they are family/neighbors/best friends brother etc) Then take
the initiative in the conversation and become the “alpha wolf” and ALWAYS GIVE YOURSELF AN OUT so that you can leave after a set amount of time.)
66.You cannot change an insecure person. They have to
Want to change themselves.
*The cycle of fashion -
10 years before its time: indecent
5 years before its time: shameless
1 year before its time: outre
At present: smart
1 year after its time; dowdy
10 years after its time: hideous
30 years after its time: amusing
50 years after its time: quaint
100 years after its time: romantic

  • James Laver Taste & Fashion, 1945)*
  1. If you can’t be a good example, you’ll have to be a horrible warning.

  2. It is that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem. - GK Chesterton.

  3. The pen is mightier than the sword, but paper cuts hurt the most.

  4. Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness.

  5. Outside a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read.

  6. The darkest hour is only 60 minutes long.

  7. Success isn’t what you achieve, it is what you overcome. - Dave Watza ( my cousin)

  8. Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. - Oscar Wilde

  9. History must repeat itself because we paid such little attention to it the first time.

  10. It is easier to love humanity as a whole than love one’s neighbor. - Eric Hoffer

  11. **Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist. **

79.** Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.** - Antoine De Sainte Expey

80.** You are only a victim once, after that, you’re just volunteering **. - Naomi Judd

  1. I use to think the world was against me. Now I know better. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

82.** There is only one basic right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic duty, the duty to take the consequences.** - PJ O’Rourke.

  1. The early bird gets the worm, but it’s the second mouse that gets the cheese.

  2. I’m living so far beyond my income, that we almost be said to be living apart. - e.e. cummings.

  3. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. - Napoleon.

  4. The difference between “involvement” and “commitment” is like eggs and ham breakfast: the chicken was involved, the ham was committed.

  5. I am not a vegetarian because I like animals. I am a vegetarian because I hate vegetables.

  6. The trouble with his ignorance is it covers so many subjects.

  7. Idiocy: Never underestimate the power of stupid people is large groups.

  8. I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.

  9. **When it is important to you you will find the time to do it. **

  10. It must be that since light travels faster than sound that some people appear bright until they speak.

  11. When your mind goes blank, remember to turn off the volume.

  12. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. - Groucho

  13. I would never join a club that would accept someone like me as a member - Groucho

  14. Those are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others. - Groucho

  15. You can’t stay mad at someone who makes you laugh.

  16. No where is it written that life must be taken seriously.

  17. No where is it written that life is one big joke.

  18. Life is full of a lot of contradictions.

(The numbering is screwed up because I am an idiot.)

Dumb luck, stupidity and ignorance will get you farther in life than hard work, deterination and intelligence. - This is a Shirley-ism.