Rumsfeld caught lying (i know, it's nothing new, but i thought you should know)

Sorry if there’s already a thread on this subject. I searched and didn’t find one, so i’m assuming there isn’t.

So, the Bush administration is currently in spin control mode over the whole issue of WMDs in Iraq, and the question of whether Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat to the United States and the rest of the world. Who knows? Maybe they’ll actually stumble across some WMDs one of these days, but at the moment the whole “imminent threat” argument is looking pretty thin.

But the presence or absence of WMDs is not really what this thread is about. Not content with having been fabricating reasons for going to war in the first place, Donald Rumsfeld would now have us believe that neither he nor President Bush ever even used the term “imminent threat” in referring to Saddam Hussein.

Luckily, the folks on “Face the Nation” were prepared for such a barefaced lie.

Politican caught lying.
News at 11.

:cool: :rolleyes: :cool:

Is that Thomas Friedman of the Times who drops the hammer on the lying sack of shit?

It’s all “folklore”, mhendo…

Just Democratic detractors. rummy was trying to be accurate, and…errr…umm…well…I never said imminent or immediate.

You’re all so Anti-American! The terrorists have won!


He’s a very, verrrry bad liar.


Brutal. I almost feel sorry for the guy being nailed like that.

Ok, not really. Not even close.
I wonder, would it be legal for Kerry to use that footage in an ad, if he got permission from 'Face The Nation?" Rummy couldn’t stop it, could he?

OOooooohhhhhh, the “Oh FUCK” expression on his face gives me a warm glow all over :smiley:

Indeed it is.

If you’re interested, you can read the whole transcript here. (Warning: pdf document).

There is also an interesting exchange on the issue of the armed forces’ “stop loss” policy.

That is glorious. Gee-lorious.

It’s frustrating to konw that someone is lying, to watch them dance little evil-leprechaun jigs around the truth, and not being able to catch them at it, and have them call YOU a liar for doubting them.

God, it’s satisfying to see the sonofabitch get his comeuppance.


This is slightly off-topic, but it reminds me of a bumpersticker I saw today:

No one died when Clinton lied.

The nice thing about modern technology is that all the bullshit and nonsense from this Administration gets captured for handy-dandy uses in situations like this.

Someone ought to assemble all of this into a book.

In my opinion there are 2 ways he can handle that situation:

  1. claim memory loss due to progressing dementing.
    This point can be used to explain a lot.
    a) He doesn’t remember what he said.
    b) at the moment he said it, he didn’t know that he said it.
    c) at that same moment he didn’t remember that Intelligence Agencies from a variety of origin and location told him there was no such thing as "imminent threat "(= WMD).

  2. claim he was at that very moment inspired by the Devil who spoke by his mouth in order to make people disregard his God Inspired Intentions with the Iraqi people.
    Salaam. A

What amazes me is how bad he is at lying. Who could possibly be fooled by this? I guess if they tell enough lies, people will become confused and get tired of looking up the truth. Contradicting every one of their blatant lies is more than any of us have time to do.

One very nice, neat, effective skewering. And lots of fun to watch.

Damn. That is harsh. Somehow I didn’t spot those statements when I spent a lunch hour trying to nail down the President on that term.

My conclusion then was that these guys have tossed the concept of “imminent threat” straight out the window and have instead replaced it with the much more dangerous concept that if another nation merely has the ability–or just intends to gain the ability–to endanger the United States, that’s good enough reason to fuck 'em up right now.

If you want to see how completely fucked up that idea is, just imagine if every nation in the world adopted the Bush Doctrine. Which nation would be the threat most needy of “preemption”?

Move on is gonna use it in an ad, so Kerry doesnt have to.

Someone did.

Fucking ssssssweet! They ought to get that picture of him and SH shaking hands in there somewhere.

Wow…someone from Bushco lying.

Who’d a thunk.


How’s your thread doing?


See the The National Security Strategy of the United States of America Chapter Five.

I’m sure that you have, but for the edification of those who have not.

So they haven’t “tossed the concept of “imminent threat” straight out the window,” they have “adapted” it.
The adapttion renders preventative war the same thing as pre-emption.
Iraq was not a pre-emptive war, it was a preventative war. The use of pre-emption to describe it is an example of newspeak infecting our public discourse.

Here Rumsfeld defends the idea that Iraq presnted an “imminent threat” to the US

There is, of course, more. But I’ll spare you.