Russia invades Ukraine {2022-02-24} (Part 1)

Nearly every single video that I’ve seen from this war has been poor visual quality, horribly edited, or both.

Where’s John Ford when you need him?

Do they not teach cinematography at boot camp? Are steadicam gimbals not issued to all soldiers? How can Ukraine expect to succeed on the battlefield with only grainy, shaky cam footage to post on Telegram?

This guy is dead now.

Russian-aligned media seem to be painting it as a attack on a civilian building with no military value.

Well, they would know what that looks like.

Could be voluntary: give a rusty non functional gun to the recruits…so they don’t shoot the officer at the first occasion.

We’re not talking about poor quality video. The last batch posted were computer animations. Bad ones at that. When presented as war videos that makes them FAKE.

The last one looks like someone recorded the recording so they could move the camera around in an attempt to make it harder to see it’s an animation.

A wonderful gesture of support. It will change these wounded vets lives.

That’s very impressive. What gives it away that they are fake?

Here’s HD footage of the second of the three videos:

I still live in a nation where I can write “Our president is a shithead and a syphilitic goat-felcher” on a sign and go stand outside the White House without being beaten by the authorities or sent away for years to a hard labor camp or drafted. In Russia, you get that treated for standing silently holding up a blank piece of paper.

There is simply no comparison.

Quit the whataboutery.

Tip to anybody with actual, bonafide combat footage. If you want to be taken seriously, don’t score it with a grade D video game soundtrack.

Should I break the Twitter/Video link above?

Yeah, I was wondering about that - it’s not like the Russia armed forces haven’t had women before (they have).

Um… sexism, maybe?

I actually stopped watching the “footage” for this reason. I immediately wondered if it was faked or just not well shot, but the soundtrack was so bad that it would have made me turn it off even if it had been an actual video game.

The last time Russia sent women into combat, there wasn’t the chance for their bloody corpses to end up on the Internet to be viewed by the folks back home.

Yeah. I mean, if I was being dragged into a war I wanted no part of on the losing side getting “comfortably numb” starts to look pretty damn attractive.

You almost had it.

Step 5, have everyone dig a long ditch
Step 6, have everyone line up along the ditch while retrieving shovels from them
Step 7, shoot everyone so they fall back into the ditch.

In other words have them dig their own graves. We’ve seen this sort of thing before. We just don’t like our thoughts to go there. Problem is, Putin’s regime IS going there.

Good lord - have you studied Russian history? Absolutely the Russia army would use enforcers or “blocker brigades” on their own troops. It’s been done in the past so why not now?

Also - more of your whataboutery - saying “maybe those are doing it” doesn’t disprove the Russians doing it to their own, or make it any better in any way.

The Ukrainians are, apparently, documenting as much as they can and attempting to reach the families of the dead and captured in Russia - something the Russian authorities are NOT doing, by the way. While I don’t doubt that the Ukrainian numbers are less than 100% correct the greater documentation they’re providing lends more credence to their claims than those of the Russians.

Rather like stats on destroyed hardware - both sides likely use inflated figures, but photo documentation of Russian hardware destroyed by Ukraine again lends credence to Ukrainian numbers and gives us a hard minimum that we can, for sure, know are destroyed/dead.

That, and every Russian of military age that leaves instead of being forced to fight is one less soldier in Putin’s army, reducing Putin’s resources to fight this war.

Even so - some caution needs to be used in admitting refugees. Both for security reasons and to avoid overburdening any one nation outside of Russia.

Curious - did the Ukrainians pay in vodka?

The “mobilization” is already a disaster and will only get worse. With thousands fleeing Russia and the draft focusing on convicts, protestors, unwilling ethnic minorities, and men who are not reservists and were never in the army, you have to wonder what kind of morale these new recruits will have in an army that is already demoralized, incompetent, and corrupt. On top of all that Putin doesn’t remotely have the training capacity or equipment to support them. And further on top of all that, Putin is trying to micromanage the war and the generals are fighting amongst each other. This is not going to end well.