Russia invades Ukraine {2022-02-24} (Part 1)

Thanks for asking. I wasn’t sure I followed that particular sequence of concepts myself.

Considering that disagreeing with the Kremlin has a way of getting people thrown in prison (along with other potential adverse results of honesty), I’d consider those numbers iffy at best. Probably a lot of those respondents (assuming no cherry-picking by survey-takers to slant the results) are operating under “just say what won’t get me in trouble”.

In regards to refugee status I truly do not give a shit about the results of that poll. Unless the people fleeing Russia have a distinctly star-shaped birth mark to distinguish the principled from the merely opportunistic, you have to treat them all the same.

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Supposing that Europe starts sending Russian dissidents and refugees back to Russia, what do you suppose is likely to happen to them?

Did the leaders who turned away Jewish refugees in the 1930s agree?

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Keep on failing and making ignorant posts.

He isn’t trying to kill them just because they are Russian. The leaders who turned away Jewish refugees didn’t think that they might be sleeper agents. That never crossed their mind.

That post was gross and shows an embarrassing ignorance of history.

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But he is trying to kill them, yes?

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History| Smithsonian Magazine

I’m not thrilled with Russians getting refugee status. However the men that leave Russia reduce the pool of men available for mobilization. That helps Ukraine.

It’s also an embarrassment for Russia that its citizens don’t support the war.

Modnote: OK, @hajario and @Smapti, take this out of the thread to its own thread. I’m going to hide the last few posts.

This topic was automatically opened after 6 minutes.

ok, back ON TOPIC…

how is the mobilisation going, you might ask?

Putin fired the General in charge of Logistics. Trying to remember where I saw that. It was in my Google feed.

Well that was easy to find:

From that article:

You go, Adolf! Just keep that “no retreat” policy in place, and overrule your generals. It’s got a proven track-record.
of failure.

May be beautiful and yet
What’s too painful to remember
We simply to choose to forget

Therein lies the problem. In this case you’re expecting a receiving country to take people from a combatant country as refugees.

Modnudge: This exchange also needs to end or move to a new thread. It really isn’t on topic after this many posts.

not a good day/week/month for russian AF:

just today’s harvest:


Those videos look like computer games.

I agree.

That was my impression as well.