Russian Girl makes her "Walrus Dance"

Over here is an example of a pretty (Russian) girl who can really make her walrus dance.

And I think you all know what I mean when I say that.

I am so not clicking on that link at work.

I thought I was being quite daring by clicking on this link, if I’m honest.

The walrus is of the pinniped variety, so the video is SFW regarding content. If your IT Nazis object to Youtube connections in general, then YMMV.

And the girl appears quite babely, although the clip is grainy and shot from a distance.

I think it’s kinda cute. Also, I think that is a seal, no?

man those Russian girls have cute walruses.


Holy crap! It’s a walrus! And it’s dancing!

Okay, so this pretty Russian girl and her walrus walk into a bar …

Absolutely not. Flat face with a mustache, can lift belly off the ground, but back flippers stay floppy = walrus. It’s a small walrus, to be sure, but still a walrus .

Pointy snout with ear flaps and able to “stand” on front *and *back flippers and use flippers to move around on land fairly well = sea lion .

Pointy snout with tiny ear holes, no flaps and lies like jello on the land with only a small amount of dragging forward with flippers = seal .
(We went to the zoo last week and got an edumacation from the zookeeper at Pinniped Point, can you tell?)

Goo goo ga joog, he’s dancing!

Well, thank you, Madame Cousteau :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously, how in the heck can you even see it’s face, flat or otherwise? And shouldn’t he have tusks?

Just kidding; I believe you.

In related news, here’s a cute Irish guy who really knows how to phoque.

How do you know she’s Russian and how do you know she’s pretty? Her face is about 30 pixels…

I live in Saudi Arabia. All girls are pretty after a certain number of months.

I just broke the news to my dog that she’d better learn how to do something impressive or I’m so trading her in for a dancing walrus!

She was not amused.

Do I want to know what walrus is a euphemism for?

The sad part is, the Walrus dances better than the girl! :smack:

The joke goes, “A Russian girl and her baby seal walk into a club”, but you were close. :cool:

“Waddya have?”
“Anything but a Canadian Club.”

“Looks like you blew a seal”
“Nah, it’s just ice cream.”

LOL, ok Paul, fair enough!

And I bet the camels start looking attractive too. It’s just as well you don’t have any walruses to dance with.