
Russians in Kosovo. Typical. Can’t they get their act together? Jeltsin has no idea what his policy is.Where is Russia headed besides bankrupcy?

I don’t mean to focus on the Nato Kosovo thing, only on what it tells about Russians.

I think this is just another sign that Yelsin isn’t actually running Russia. My guess is that a Russian general in Bosnia is out to make a name for himself, probably under a pan-slavic banner.

When the Russinas show up at the G-8 summit with their hand out–just give em five and say good luck.

There is no course of life so weak and sottish as that which is managed by order, method, and discipline. -Montaigne

>>I think this is just another sign that Yelsin isn’t actually running Russia. My guess is that a Russian general in Bosnia is out to make a name for himself, probably under a pan-slavic banner.<<

My guess is that the real Yeltsin is dead, and this is a wax dummy, with a string someone pulls to move its mouth.

Hmm.Ok.Yeltsin is a puppet of…the polls, if they have them.
On a related topic, I was reading about Murmansk. 80% of the people are not paying their rent to the city.They still have barely enough to eat.Schoolkids get more food at school than at home. Norway and Finland, the neighbors across the border, are bringing in food and medicine. In winter, they had about 2 weeks supply of oil and coal most of the time.I imagine the temperatures indoors were 40-50 degrees. They do have a functional nuclear plant, so they have electricity.Unemployment is 50%.

Ahh, the worker’s paradise. This is really the time for the U.S. to step in with some aid. It would cement our position as a world leader, rather than creating a new-old rival down the road. Everything I hear about Russia today makes it sound like Germany in 1932.

Yeltsin’s continued presidency has to do with superior Russian corpse-preservation technology. Look what they did with Lenin.

I forget who sang these lyrics in the 1980’s:
“There aren’t any Russians, and there ain’t no Yanks.
Just corporate criminals, playing with tanks.”

Anybody figure out this Kosovo chain of command for the Russians?I didn’t hear the news yet.

I heard on NPR that the Russians would be devided up and attached to British, French and Italian units under NATO commanders. Supposedly this dispersal is intended to give Kosavar Serbs some piece of mind and discourage a Serbian refuge crisis.

Ask a Japanese what he thinks about the Russians getting to Kosovo first and he’ll likely laugh and say, “Oh, that is the Russian style.” Ask why and he’ll refer to the Russian declaration of war on Japan at the end of WWII. They seem to think the Russians like to arrive just in time for dinner.

There is no course of life so weak and sottish as that which is managed by order, method, and discipline. -Montaigne

I should not comment on this thread, because of my high personal bias. I was born and raised in Finland, in an area that is prominantly right wing. I learned from an early age that one could not ever trust a Russian. He will smile at you, shake your hand while sticking a knife into your back. I have seen it, and we shall see it again and again, leopard will not lose his spots, so does to speak.
There are a lot of good Russians that can be trusted. Cemateries are full of them.

Cogito Ergo Vroom
I think therefore I ride fast…

When I heard that the Russians wanted their own sector in Kosovo, it sounded somehow familiar. Then I realized that they had their own sector in Germany, after a different war; and it was a long time before they really gave that one back.

Hannu:How did Ahtisaari manage to work together with Chernomyrdin?

I’m surprised you didn’t quote “a Russian is a Russian, even if fried in butter”.

To-The Pit-or MPSIMS-