Given: (?)
Plutonium is very dense. Even small amounts of the substance are heavy and unstable. The unstable (high potential energy?) character of this element is the crux of Plutonium in exothermic reactions.
I’ve heard that geiger-counters do not work well with Plutonium, or the favoured isotopes of Uranium for nuclear bombs.
I assume it’s not public or easily derived information so WAGs are welcome: How does one ship plutonium? A boxcar of Special Forces armed to the teeth, surrounding a heavy magic eight ball?
Radioactive waste is carried in big barrel looking things. Real big, only 3 fit on a tractor-trailer. Extremely sturdy. They launched F-4 II’s with JATO packs at them, hit them with trains, etc. Not one developed a leak.
I imagine that non-waste weapons grade plutonium is shipped in similiar containers, not just a box with ‘Fragile!’ on the side.
As far as I know, the only differences in radiation are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-Radiation. Uranium and plutonium may make different levels of radiation, but it is the same thing. <<<<WAG.