Sad times

I’m so sorry. It really does hurt so much and it is such a sucky thing to go through. Miscarriage rates up there in the horrible things to endure in life. I was really hoping that this thread wasn’t going to be what it is.

Bugger :frowning:

Nothing I can say, really, except that you’ll be in my prayers. Take care of each other, and remember that your 23,000 closest friends are sending you good thoughts.

I am so sorry for your lose and i hope that the prayers and thoughts of your fellow dopers will atleast make your days easier. God Bless

with love,

I’m so sorry. I hope you are OK. I know my words will not take away your tears, heartache and despair, but I hope you try to hang in there and take care of each other so you can both get through this. Please accept my condolences for you and Bill.

I’m very sorry to hear that. My best to both of you.

I am so sorry. May the days ahead bring hope and healing for both of you.

Geobabe and Unclebill, I’m really sorry about your loss. The both of you are in my thoughts. Please take care.

So sorry. Be well, you two.

I don’t know the right words to say, and I don’t know the pain you both are going through, but I am deeply sorry for you both :frowning:

You will be in my thoughts.

Oh no! :frowning: I’m so very sorry to hear this news… you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.

{{{Geobabe and UncleBill}}}


I’m so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with the both of you. :frowning:

Oh shit. I will hold you in the light. Be strong.

Oh my. I am so sorry. Condolences and best wishes you to and UncleBill

Hang in there. I know how hard it is to lose a baby. All that potential, all those plans…

I’m not going to promise to pray for you. I just took a few minutes and actually did it. I usually read this kind of thread, having had way too much experience in this kind of thing. From what I’ve read in the last couple of years, your little one has a fair number of Doper Babies to hang out with until the rest of us get there. I have to believe they’re all happy and healthy and safe, playing in the sunshine.

Right this minute on TV, someone’s singing “Vaya Con Dios”. Go with God, little one.

Love, zoogirl

Wish I could say something that can pick you up. Sorry to hear about it.

Ah, hell.

Terribly sorry to hear this.

Geo and Bill, my heart goes out to you both.

Look towards the light.

I’m so sorry. I know how you feel. My wife and I lost a baby right after we told everybody, so in addition to losing the baby, we had to bum everybody out by telling them, too. :frowning:

But hang in there! A few short months after our loss, my wife became pregnant again (we held off telling folks for a while) and we now have a beautiful 17 month old son.

Just wanted to let you know that there IS a road ahead. Good luck to you both!

There are no words which are adequate, either to comfort the two of you or to convey my sorrow.

(((((Lise and Bill)))))

Very sorry for your loss.