Sad times

Dammit. :frowning:

I’m sorry, guys. I hope you’ll find comfort in each other during these hard times.

I’m so very sorry to hear that. :frowning: Wish there were more I could do than send you my sympathy.


Very sorry to hear. Will be thinking about you both.

Well, crap.
I hold you and Bill in high regard and I’m so sorry this happened. You both are in my thoughts.

My heart just sank seeing the thread title. I’m so sorry. Best of luck to you in the days ahead.

Oh no … :frowning:

I’m so sorry… best thoughts & wishes for you both.


{{{{{Lise and Bill}}}}}

I know that you will take good care of each other in this time of loss. My love to you both.

I’m so sorry this happened to you both. Stay strong and look to the future.

Like Gundy, a cold hand grabbed my heart as soon as I saw the thread title. Keith and I have been where you are, and we are both so, so sorry.

I’m so very, very sorry, Geo and Bill.

Wow, I’m so sorry for you both. :frowning:

oh dear.

Words fail. I am very sorry to hear this news.

I’m so sorry. Hang in there. We’re here for you. :frowning:

That is so sad. My sincere condolences for you both.

Big skanky hugs, Geobabe and UncleBill.

You are both in my heart and in my thoughts.

Love, Gazelle

I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s not an easy thing to go through - and all the hormones still coursing through don’t help. I went through this myself recently and one thing I noticed that really did help was that all of a sudden, we kept finding out about so many other people that had gone through the same thing, only to have healthy pregnancies later on. For a while there, it seemed that everyone I knew had had at least one miscarriage before having their baby. It seems that this is more common than most people realize. Somehow, I found that comforting - perhaps you will too.


lotsa warm thoughts from me to you both
sorry to hear about your loss :frowning:

My condolences.



You have my sympathies.