No links yet, but the BBC’s reporting that Saddam has been sentenced to death by hanging. IMHO, that’s too good for him.
Was there really any doubt that he’d be found guilty?
Wonder if it’ll be a public exectution. Not sure how they do it these days.
Lucky fuck.
A better fate would be something like a thousand flaming pineapples up his ass.
I read that it’ll be a hanging.
Especially ones grown on trees.
Just in time for Bush to dust off his “Mission Accomplished” banner.
Sadly, it will never be retribution enough for the Saddam’s victims and their families. At the price for that token of justice…
Even the bastard is laughing at you, Mr. Bush.
Care to clarify?
Yes, we have paid heavily. Yes, the whole thing could/should have been avoided. Yes, Bush tends to destroy America’s and the Republican Party’s image.
But who gives a fuck if the “bastard laughs”? He’s a dead man walking.
We’ll see a new uprising for a few months, then, pretty much, Bricker’s premonition will come true.
Bush sucks, but Saddam sucked worse.
p.s. $5k says a Democrat takes the White House in '08.
No doubt, Saddam sucks like a black hole to Bush’s Hoover. I was just lamenting the poignancy of the situation, I guess. No one wins. Even with Saddam’s trial coming to a close, something that should be a bookend and high point in the ousting of a dictator, the daily lives of the Iraqis and the soldiers there continue to suck.
And the fucker lived long enough to even laugh. Dead man walking or not, it still feels like salt on the wound.
OK… I can feel your pain, brother.
But really, in what scenario would he not be allowed to even laugh?
I’d laugh too, if I was a deranged evil mass murderer, who had raped hundreds of women and killed thousands of political decedents.
Fuck him. Don’t give him the time of day.
What is Bricker’s premonition? As to Bush and Saddam – Bush has certainly been worse for Iraq than Saddam would have been. Bush may even be worse for America than Saddam was for Iraq, but that’s not something I’m sure of – yet.
I’m not sure… I can’t exactly put words in his mouth…
He’s said enough, though I won’t ask him to defend me, and I can’t say I speak for him.
But I’ll bet it’s some along the lines of “we’ll be better off later”.
“We” have paid heavily??
No, ‘we’ haven’t. The volunteer army has paid fairly heavily.
But the people who got stuck with the full weight of the bill are the Iraqi people, caught in a violent chaos in what’s only technically a nation anymore.
And Iraq. Might seem like a small detail to us Americans, but it’s really a pretty big deal.
But who gives a fuck if the “bastard laughs”? He’s a dead man walking.
Because he can see we’ve unleashed forces on Iraq that make him look like a small-timer.
Wrong. Saddam’s believed to have been responsible for the deaths of 300-400,000 Iraqis over the three decades he was in power. We’ve gotten into that ballpark in three and a half years.
I’m glad to see Saddam convicted, but at this point it’s a footnote. The men who should be on trial are those who are running our country.
Saddam was responsible for the deaths of another half a million Iranians too. We still have a ways to go.
I’ve been watching CNN already this morning, and seems the only ones that are protesting are people from Tikrit.
Seems like the rest of the country is elated at the news.
If they’re happy, I’m happy.
Tru dat. While I’m gonna give the Ayatollah Khomeini partial credit on that one, that hardly undermines your point.
How much of that blood is on our hands?
CMC fnord!