Saddest single episodes of TV series

Ivanova was pissed! She was really, really annoyed, and said something about “If I’d known he was going to do something stupid like this, I’d have given him some.”

Complete emotional breakdown. You rarely see a character react that strongly to a death. Especially from someone like her who usually puts on a tough-girl appearance.

Silenus, I believe the exact term she used was ‘boffed him once’.

Here is a youtube clip of it.

And I had to stop the clip from running as soon as I had copied the url, because I can’t stand to hear it again.

A little bit of a hijack but the final few minutes of Mr. Sprinkles from Acceptable TV.

The speech he give his son is so poignant.

To watch the entire series less than half an hour and can be seen here.

I can’t decide which episode of Angel is sadder–A Hole in the World or *Not Fade Away. On the one hand we have, “Please, Wesley, why can’t I stay?” On the other we have, “Would you like me to lie to you now?” “Please.”

Either way, I blubbered like a baby, and I can’t really stand to rewatch the episodes.

The episode of Quantum Leap where Sam returns home as a teenager. He spends the entire time trying to fix the lives and futures of those he loves before realizing that he’s pretty much powerless in that respect. He accepts this and has a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving dinner with his family.

Oh, wait, how could I forget the final episode of Six Feet Under? I just watch the last scene on YouTube whenever I feel like spending an afternoon weeping into a whole box of tissues. (Don’t worry, I don’t feel like that often.)

The Inner Light from STNG


That’s “Luck of the Fryrish”, and it gets my vote as well, rather than Jurassic Bark. Maybe just because I’ve never had a pet, but I have had a brother.

The very last episode of BABYLON 5. My dad died a couple days before that aired and to this day I haven’t been able to watch it.

I was going to say the death of Dr. Green . . . but this one was even sadder, especially since that was exactly how one of my grandmothers died.


There’s a television show named “Jurassic Bark”?

It’s the title of an episode of “Futurama”, where Fry’s pet dog from 1000 years prior is found fossilized.

It’s a Futurama episode.

Luck of the Fryish is sadder.

That also qualifies as the most horrifying show ever. I had a nightmare that night and stopped watching the show after that. I don’t even like to think about the episode today.

The episode of Band of Brothers where they find the concentration camp. I cried when they had to lock everyone back up to stop them from eating themselves to death.

The episode of CSI where the baby is left in a hot car. I’ll never be able to watch that one again.

The episode of Magnum P.I. in which Magnum’s old war buddy come to him and asks his help in committing suicide.

Oh good grief, viva. Here I went and spared Las Vegas from a well-deserved* plague last week, (it was going to be a rain of flaming mongooses just so you know), just to be nice to you, and you repay me by again bothering me with EVIDENCE.

I’ll say it once more. Facts are for chicks, the ACLU, and cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

Far, far sadder is Angel dismantling his son’s crib when he thinks baby Connor is lost forever, and the look on Cordelia’s face as she watches him do it.

All Our Yesterdays and it’s more famous identical story, City on the Edge of Forever.

Both are the same story, one with Kirk falling in love with Edith Keelor and then he has to stop McCoy from saving her life.

“Do you know what you just did?”
Spock “He knows Doctor. He knows.”

Then later the guardian tells them

"Many suck journeys are possible. You can visit any time in history.’

Kirk “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

But for me, the end of All our Yesterdays is even more tragic.

Spock and McCoy have been trapped in the Ice Age of a planet. There they meet a woman, who was sentenced to live there alone. Spock, being thurst into the past, starts to ‘devolve’ into what Vulcans were like 5K years ago. He gets emotions. He falls in love with her.

When the find the way to get back, Spock tries to send McCoy and stay with her. But he can’t. McCoy can’t get back unless Spock goes as well. So Spock must leave the woman he loves alone in a barren wasteland. When they return to the present, Spock returns to ‘himself’.
McCoy “But she’s still back there Spock.”
Spock “She’s dead, dead and buried for five thousand years.”