I was just wondering if there is a “safest”/foolprrof brand or type of condom? thanks
As long as the fool doesn’t have a barbed penis…
…um, well, still, “No.”
You mean safe as in airbags and anti-lock brakes? If not, your best bet is to look for independent quality-testing for the various manufacturers.
Consumer Reports tested condoms in 2005.
In my experience, any of them will do, so long as you use plenty of lube. Don’t forget a little tad on the inside.
- This doesn’t apply to the polyurethane ones. Although they feel great, they don’t stretch much, and tend to break.
Dr. Dean Edell recommended a brand with adhesive. I’ve searched but can’t find the brand name, sorry.
…and just in case you also want a safe condom for the really huge penis, you might look to this thread: Why no ribbed or warming sensation Magnum XL Condoms? - Factual Questions - Straight Dope Message Board
~sigh~ so… was he bragging or complaining?
And she’s 17, so make sure you have a backup method and that she’s getting regular checkups from her gyn.
Feel great? Hell no! It was pain city! And they do break. I got a box of these when they came out and they freaking hurt! And I broke about six of them… yikes if you were trying to use them for any sort of protection. :eek:
And they are expensive. A trusty Wal-Mart sack would do better than these dudes.