Salt peter question

Pretty much any prescription antidepressant can have that effect on some individuals…


That may be true, but in my experience (Zoloft, Celexa) the effect is not a failure to perform, rather, a problem ejaculating. So sex is drawn out to excessively, I’d speculate that this could improve a SDT’s chance for infection. These side effects cannot be counted upon, and seemingly vary from person to person (personal communications with others).

I cannot believe YOU. FYI, I have ADHD and OCD and I function just fine, thankyouverymuch, and I can control my urges.

What you are asking for, is, in effect, advice on how to administer a poisonous substance to your son.

Um, no. I don’t think so.

Never ask a question if you aren’t prepared to hear answers you might not like.


I know plenty about the situation. I’ve been a 14-year-old boy with ADHD, OCD, depression, social anxiety disorder, and panic attacks.

Not only did I carry condoms in my wallet, I kept them between two plastic cards to prevent ring-around-the condom. I also threw them away when they reached the expiration date(It’s a sad thing carrying a condom for a year and never needing it
:frowning: or the next one :frowning: or the one after that :frowning: )

Back To the OP

If you’re so sure he’ll have sex with that girl, have you tried talking to her parents?

Or, considering the level of parenting skills shown in your posts thus far, why not check out a certain other UL at Snopes? If salt peter strikes you as a good idea, you’ll probably love the Japanese Mother solution! *

*Note to other Dopers. I just said that this is a UL. So there’s no need to inform me that it is without basis in fact.

Guys? I agree that saltpeter is the wrong solution and that counselling and, perhaps, medical intervention by a licensed practitioner are better solutions.

However, given that a whole lot of people know nothing more than the old claim that “saltpeter lowers sex drive,” I’m not sure where all this overt hostility and accusations of poisoining are coming from. If Beckyvs had never heard what saltpeter was or that it was toxic, why are so many posters claiming that she is “trying” to poison her son?

Saltpeter is a dumb idea–but it is one that floats around among those who know nothing more than its name. Fighting that ignorance (i.e., “not knowing”) is the job of the Straight Dope. Abusing people for being ignorant seems beyond our charter.

(Are we going to pillory someone who asks about treating burns with butter?)

If SP doesn’t work it will put your mind at ease if he takes it and you think it works

If SP does work by suppressing his desire for sex then at his age I would think his hormones would overpower the SP. again you might feel better about it though.

If SP does work by preventing erection but not effecting desire then your son (stepson?) will think he is impotent which might effect him the rest of his life.

wanta spin the wheel?

I think condom distrubution increases sex but also increases safe sex - so it’s a tough call.

As I said, SaltPeter is potassium nitrate, which is in Sensodyne toothpaste, go get some
at the store & see for yourself. I have some right here. Its a safe chemical otherwise
they wouldn’t put it in the toothpaste, I assume.

Except that you aren’t meant to actually consume the toothpaste in any sort of quantity.

Amen to that. It seems a lot of the folks in this thread presupposed that the OP was aware of the long-term health effects of the substance, a fact not established.

We can do a lot better than this.

On another note: handy, I told you to stay the heck out of the medical threads. I was not kidding. This is an official warning. If you post to another medical-related thread to say anything besides “you should ask your doctor,” even if your post is correct, I will ask that the administration of the board revoke your posting privileges.

Thanks to the ones who were nice enough to put an answer and knew what I was trying to ask. After reading the post by cynic, I knew this was something that you should not mess with.

And for those like Guinastasia, I never said nothing about posioning my son, I just wanted to know about saltpeter and now I know, where you got that I was trying to poison my son remains a mystery. Apparently you do have a lot of mental issues.

I thought this was a message board to ask and question and get a reply, not get condemned for trying to find out information.

I did do internet searches, but could find nothing, that’s why I posted here. I would never give anyone anything that could harm them in anyway, even my worst enemy.

Thanks Tomndebb, and the few others who knew that I was just asking a question, no matter how stupid it was.

I guess I have learned a hard lesson in knowing not to ask anything here again.

StaffSgt/Beckyvs, we limit our membership to one username per person. Please email immediately to clear this up.

Thank you.

Um, you don’t swallow toothpaste.
And since salt peter could be poisonous, technically, yes, you are.

Hold on, I still want the answer to my sidepost. Corned beef, sausages, and a variety of other cured meats have saltpeter in them. What’s the difference between this saltpeter and the saltpeter in the OP? Is it a matter of dosage? Is it chemical composition. As far as I know, the saltpeter used in corned beef is also potassium nitrate, although sodium nitrate can also be used. I’ve always thought saltpeter was a relatively common curing agent, and the websites I’ve gleaned seem to agree. What’s the deal here?

I do hope not; please take heart; I think that what you have witnessed here is just people’s deeply concerned reaction to what they percieved as a situation where a child could be about to suffer physical and psychological damage.

My point is that even if SP were safe and effective, it still raises major ethical concerns and IMHO no loving mother could even consider such deceit.

/me attempts to suppress images of Joan Crawford

I sincerely apologize if I’m being too harsh here. I should probably tone down my opinions a wee bit. It’s just an emotional issue.

This has nothing to do with the post, but my curiousity is spiked; Why can’t Handy answer medical questions?

Also how would one go about purchasing saltpeter? I ask because I heard it was the active ingrediant in smoke bombs (I think) and I figure the next time I go a paint balling, I could have an edge…

If you did Internet searches, then you must have done one hell of a bang-up job to get “nothing”. There are tons of sites out there that discuss saltpeter, including all of the encylopedia sites (Encarta, Columbia, Brittanica, et al.). And although these sites do not come right out and say that the substance is a poison, they do say that it’s used in explosives.

So if you had actually done a search, even the most cursory search would have told you that using it was a bad idea. Even if you just came across the reference to explosives, you should have felt compelled to research a little further.

Where did you search?

Not a criticism of you for asking, but you probably ought to post that question in the pit, since it is technically a question about a specific moderator decision.