Hypothetically, if I was in the Army and I was pulling CQ all night and through this morning, and I had to go put up the POW/MIA flag at about 0530, and it’s the only flag on the pole, and no other flags displayed with it or near it: Would I ‘technically’ salute it like the US Flag?
I say “technically” because I want to know the real answer. If I asked any of my buddies, the answer would be “who cares, just run the freaking thing up the pole and secure it”. No one I’ve asked actually knows whether one should salute it or not. I wouldn’t think so. That seems like a curtousy reserved for The Colors, but it feels strange to run something up the flag pole without saluting it afterward. Anyway, I’m rambling… Anyone know the answer?
Public Law 105-85 does not mention honors to this flag, and I would find it hard to believe that you would render honors to ANY flag other than the US Flag.
Also, is it even permissable to fly this POW flag on base at a command?
I wonder what the specified days are. They fly it everyday at SWCS on Fort Bragg. Im not sure if it’s actually ‘permissable’ or not. SWCS pretty much does their own thing anyway. I will try to pay attention and see if I see it flying anywhere else.
Grrrr… maybe if I just scrolled down!
So there’s actually a very limited number of days and places this should be flown, huh? I see it a lot more often than that, though. Which is good, Id say.
Actually, I believe the POW/MIA is a privately copyrighted flag that has been pseudo-adopted by various Military groups. Technically, the flag itself should not be saluted. However, you may salute the POW’s and MIAs for their service.
And the Flag Code also states that if the Flag of the United States is not available the salute (and or Pledge of Allegiance) can be given to any flag of a subdivision of the United States. (i.e. USMC flag, State Flag, City Flag, or even a homeowners association flag) But also, it ain’t that hard to rustle up an adequate US Flag.