Sam & Max Sequel cancelled

What a sad day in gaming. It’s like the whole Firefly debacle.


(yes, even though I am primarily a Mac user, and the odds of this coming out for Mac were probably slim at best, I really wanted to see this…)

Is it me, or are Lucasarts really seriously off-base here?

Sam and Max has a great fanbase - some of the best games of the early-mid 90s were Lucasarts’ SCUMM based adventure games, so fans of the original Sam and Max, along with fans of games like Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island, etc. would surely also be interested in this game?

Maybe I just need to remove my rose-coloured contact lenses?

Lucasarts has had terrible luck brining out non-Star Wars games. Even their best non SW ones, which have been really, really great, often just refuse to sell well. Sam and Max did do well enough, I hear, but it’s always been a struggle for the Lucasarts.

I admit, it’s the consumers who bear responsibility for the whole trouble, though. We punish them for making good games and beg them for crap.

ARRRRRRGGGGGH! First they cancel Full Throttle, and now this? Damn.

S(expletive deleted)T!!!

I’m really, really, REALLY not happy today. :frowning:

They still have the game. So it may be released in the future. They just figure that it wouldn’t be economically smart to release an adventure game right now. It really has become a cult series. It’s just sad. I still play DOTT, all the Monkey Games, Sam and Max, Full Throttle, the Indy games etc. They just don’t get old, even if you know exactly what to do.
I guess I’ll be doing it for a little while longer.

I forgot who wrote it, but someone had an essay linked on Slashdot that essentially said, “This just proves that Lucasarts can’t sell anything that doesn’t have the name ‘Star Wars’ on it.” Talk about a pisser…

Oh, I’m sure it’d have drifted over to the Mac eventually. Instead of being innundated with crap games, we only get the good stuff. :slight_smile:

(Gotta find my old Sam & Max Hit the Road CD and see if I can get SCUMM working on my current setup…)

I got it working on my Windows XP machine with a program called ScummVM. I’d suggest this to anyone looking to get the game running again (and Mods you still need the original CD, it’s not w4r3z).

I’m disappointed, but hardly surprised. Sam and Max are a relatively unknown property, PC game sales are in a terrible slump in general, and the adventure games in general haven’t sold well in years and years, since even before the console explosion. An obscure property in a dead genre for a critically ill platform? I seriously doubt there was a chance in hell LucasArts could have turned a profit on this game, no matter how good it was or how skillfully it was marketed. The audience for this sort of game simply isn’t large enough to support the sort of budget that goes into a modern video game.

I have to disagree with this. I’ve reviewed probably a dozen adventure games in the last year. They’re coming out of Europe in droves. I just think a property like Sam & Max would be able to turn a profit, since it has quite a bit of name recognition compared to relatively obscured titles like Syberia and The Longest Journey. I mean, those two titles can afford a sequel, so why not S&M?

Argh! No! This sucks! It was the only game of this year that I was looking forward to!

When I first heard about the game last year, I emailed Steve Purcell to see if he was involved with it, and he said he was, and quite excited about it. Even the character voices were going to be the same.

Damn, this totally bites!

First no Fallout 3, now this?! It’s enough to make me buy a PS2 and forget about PC games for a while.

My tears, they are flowing like waterfalls!

PC gaming is dying. Almost no non-sequel games are coming out, and all the stores have relegated PC games to a few shelves in a dark corner. :frowning: