Sam Stone believes Trump's tweets

I’m a very long time lurker. I remember that thread. I actually learned something reading it.

Sam, Sam, Sam, associating the present North American left with the growth of Nazism in Germany is further evidence of you having imbibed deeply in the cool aid.

From the get-go, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party’s 25 point plan was first and last ultra-nationalist, racist, anti-marxist and anti-commie. Its soft centre was cool-aid by way of promises that would attract wage earners rather than producers and capitalists and thereby pull people in from true socialist organizations. The plan worked, not by meeting its promises to the proletariat, but instead gathering enough ultra-nationalist and racist support from the proletariat that it was able to take and hold power. We all know how that worked out, and we know all to well who the proletariat elected to the Presidency in the USA for years ago.

Ultra-nationalist, ultra racist, ultra-anti-proletariat policies with a helping of cool-aid worked in Germany for the Nazi’s, and it has been working the U.S.A., where the richest country in the world is still fighting the civil war and white militias are no better than terrorists, which arguably has the highest incarceration rate in the world in which blacks are grossly over-represented, where gun death rates are off the scale, covid-19 rates are off the scale, and which is the only G7 country without universal health care, with the USA’s closest comparator Canada having universal health care resulting on a per capita basis in longer lives, healthier lives, less cost out of the public purse and less cost out of people’s pockets.

Hitler attempted a putsch with his ultra-right goons. The USA Republicans have their ultra-right goons standing by, loyal to the Republican cause.

Cool-aid, Sam. A lot of Germans fell for it then. A lot of Americans presently have fallen for it. You fell for it.

Since you do not fit in any of the present political parties, by all means start your own, but please, but back off on the cool-aid.

And of course that wasn’t my point. A dumb conservative post is going to get hammered, a dumb liberal post largely gets ignores, rarely pitted. To some degree that’s not anyone’s fault; a dumb conservative post is going to trigger a lot more Dopers than a dumb liberal one. Look at how much shit Sam has taken. That ends up driving away the thoughtful posters, making the problem only worse.

This is what I’ve been saying in this thread. The problem is not that @Sam_Stone believed a Trump Tweet. The Trump Tweet was the cherry on top of an enormous bullshit sundae.

Sam believes countless thing that are clearly and obviously false. He is not in a position that can be reasoned with. He may have once been a valuable poster. Now he’s completely bonkers.

And you heard it here, folks. Trump’s flunkie admits that the blowhard-in-chief didn’t mean what he said, or say what he meant.

The Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, has clarified in a court filing today that the Blowhard-in-Chief in the White House crawls down:

As usual, the Blowhard-in-Chief shot his mouth off without understanding the meaning. What he really meant to say was “I’ve told Billy Barr he can look at the classified documents to see if he can dig up any political dirt that I can use for my re-election.”

Why is it that when left-wing protests spring up in response to police violence, it’s the fault of the left; and when right-wing militias spring up in response to the protests, it’s also the fault of the left?

Deeg, have you been able to determine who are the conservative posters in this thread? If you can not, then your argument fails.

False equivalency.


We do have a Stupid Liberal Idea of the Day thread, which hasn’t seen much action lately. Perhaps you’d care to revive it? The Republicans have made so many ignorant and erroneous proclamations lately, stupid liberal ideas have been eclipsed. Here’s your chance to right the balance.

Yes, you are. You berated people for not believing a tweet from Trump that was an obvious lie from the get-go, and are still not willing to even call it a lie, just to weasel word that it ‘looks like’ a lie now.

They’re not looking the other way, they’re looking at the actual causes - especially unchecked racist police violence. And calling ‘protests where the police attack protestors with chemical weapons’ riots is… a bit of a stretch in the first place. Or blaming libruls for riots when so many of the violent incidents turn out to be caused by right-wing militia groups and their sympathizers.

What is with this morbid fear and fascination with “riots?” Sam_Stone is not the only conservative to chronically bring this up (Octopus is fanatically riven by the issue) but I wasn’t even aware that they were ongoing. And even when the protests were at their peak of activity, much of the violence was initiated by law enforcement or right wing provocateurs.

But, my god, to listen to our right wing friends, we have to re-elect Donald Trump or the streets will burn.

It’s so that, when Trump loses, and the MAGAt boogaloos start actually burning down the cities, they can make a claim of bothsideism.

Heh. It occurred to me, after posting here, that this sort of treatment of dumb liberal posts is routine. They’re treated with the same disdain as dumb conservative posts, but the liberals don’t immediately go all martyr complex about it when their claims are refuted.

And one should never ever forget that Trump decided to pour gasoline on the fire, both by his acts and by his words.

I see it as an innate conservative desire for authoritative state enforcement of “Law & Order”. Demand for social change and justice is bad if it requires conservatives to accept change, thus, any protest by the left is seen as a threat. Any violent pushback from the right is seen as net good because it’s simply an attempt to restore the status quo. Hence, the distorted reasoning that while militias and white supremacy is “bad”, the progressive left and uppity minorities are the ones to blame for stocking those fires.

It’s fear of blacks. American conservatism is a white nationalist movement. Its adherents are afraid of blacks. Hence the “all lives matter” bullshit. Wild eyed blacks hopped up on jazz are coming to take their white women.

Why are you so MEEAAAAANNNN? Why do you say such MEAN things about CONSERVATIVVVVVVVES? Don’t you know that trying to analyze the shortcomings of their political movement is BEING A MOBBBBBBBBBB? You’re like, you’re like HITLERRRRRRRR!

We’re wasting our time. Sam has already said he wasn’t going to come back to this thread to debate this topic because everyone here who challenges him in a mean or dismissive way is an asshole.

Anyway, we all know the rules in the Pit prohibit anyone from making a cogent argument and everyone is required to respond to that argument by being as big of an asshole as possible. No productive discussions have ever taken place here.

You’re right, liberals being a little whiny and maybe pretentious from time to time is exactly the same thing as the leader of the Republican party praising nazis. Because both things are wrong, I can never comment on the GOP’s violent racist behavior. They have found the loophole.

If we keep being mean to violent racists on this board, soon there won’t be anyone on this board to defend white supremacy. Is that really the kind of community you want?

You’re trying to trick me, aren’t you?