Sam Stone believes Trump's tweets

Sure. Okay. That’s the ticket. :wink:

Getting back to the general “Sam should learn to keep his biscuit trap shut lest he invoke the retribution of the Dopers”…

I mean, did he really think we weren’t going to draw the obvious parallel? Or is he really just trolling to get a rise out of us?

Let’s work on this part before we proceed to the rest of that sentence.

Sorry…I don’t know whatever possessed me…

Geez, how old is this thread? Orange Turd hasn’t had twitter for a while.

Yes, but its secondary value as a clearinghouse for Sam’s ill-conceived postings on this board is truly unabated.

Nice to see that he pulls notions out of his ass about other countries as well. See the thread on the British monarchy succession.

Sam’s a Canadian and obliquely a subject of QE. Why wouldn’t he be entitled to comment about the future succession?

- Squeegee, American who has no comment on same

Now he claims he doesn’t know how Trump feels about mail in voting. Disingenuous motherfucker.

Anyone who is genuinely unsure what Trump wants needs only to apply the Trump general principle. That is that Trump wants it for himself, and no one else can have it.
Not that I believe that Sam doesn’t know how Trump feels about mail in voting.

Sam had a media filter that changed Trump to Nrump in everything he reads or heard. That is how he can parrot Trumps lines so faithfully while claiming he has no idea whose lines he is parroting.

Well, he did give good advice that the Democrats would do better if they were not such a socialist, lazy union loving party that has moved so far left now that it’s just inconceivable. Very nice of him.

To be fair, even Trump would never say anything that stupid.

So wait, are you saying Trump is channeling @Sam_Stone, and not the other way around?

Yeah, I can see that.

No, I’m saying that the deranged evil forces that are channeling through both of them are trying to maintain some of Trump’s credibility, but not Sam’s.

Well, good luck with that shit, evil forces!

Methinks you misspelled “lying sack of shit”.

Nothing disingenuous about @Sam_Stone. He’s just a flat out liar.

As to whether he has engaged in coitus with his mother as you suggest well, I would say it’s even money.

Do you see the nrumps?

No way she’d risk having another one like that.

Hey - I didn’t get a “nrump” from that guy!