Sampling? Or revamping?

Several sites say Lil Hardin Armstrong’s “Oriental Swing” was sampled by Parov Stelar to make his “Booty Swing.” The two songs appear side by side here.

I say sampled schmampled. “Booty Swing” is just “Oriental Swing” gussied up a bit. Big ol’ drumbeat, horns like at the end of OS (approx. 2:45 in the video), order of verses changed. To my ear, BS is just a different arrangement of OS, and doesn’t even come close to being its own (different) song.

Am I mistaken, and this is what “sampling” means now? Or are these webfools misusing the term?

Sampling means digitally recording part of a tune. The sample is then used as part of a new composition.

People misuse it to mean quoting a tune, which is when you physically play a bit of one tune as part of another, or plagiarising, or even covering a tune.