SamuelA: Christ, what an asshole


I’m probably not the first to take notice, and I’m not immune from criticism myself, but Christ, what an asshole.

Oh, you’ve only just begun to scratch the surface. Did you know the reason that women don’t like being slaves is because means their off-spring has less of a chance of survival?

Not, you know, because being a slave sucks or anything. I really suspect that the dude is a wee bit of a sociopath, or has some kind of personality disorder. He’s creepy as fuck.

There’s a thread for that. To be fair, though, that’s a thread about how he doesn’t understand shit. It’s not really a thread about how he’s an asshole. OK, you’re excused. Although really, the commonality here is that both pittings basically demonstrate that SamuelA doesn’t understand shit, but that this will not stop him for one microsecond from pontificating on it.

What a bizarre non-sequitur (SamuelA’s).

I haven’t really noticed him until now but his posts in that thread are certainly unfortunate. It’s like me if I’d been a little bit less bright and too autistic to steer clear of degeneracy.

There’s a danger of trying to stay studiously logical. For one, people aren’t logical, so you’re bound to misjudge reality if you’re too stuck to thinking that way. But, there’s also the risk that you convince yourself that you are thinking logically, when you really are suffering from an ego-trip and just deluding yourself.

Doubting your own conclusions and humility are key. Particularly the latter if you want to stop being an Incel. First work on being a good human being. Then worry about women and dating.

He appears to have a very resentful attitude toward life. “I can’t do this thing, so nobody should be able to do this thing and if they are able to do this thing, they’re hypocrites and should be ashamed of themselves.” I don’t understand that way of thinking. I mean, I’m no saint without a selfish bone in my body, but that festering resentment that someone is “getting away with something” baffles me.

I think Sage said it: I’m seeing symptoms of bitter maleness. I see it in my nephew, who’s a good guy at his core but has developed a really shitty attitude toward people, especially women.

I keep reading “Samuel A Christ” as a name.

Samuel A: whatadouchebag.

The A also stands for autism.

I’m glad I’m not his cat.

That would certainly explain a lot.

The feedback loop between him and Velocity is amusing. Is amusing the right word?

I feel sorry for the guy. It must be hard to have Jesus as a brother.:wink:

Wow, you posters mocking autistic people are the voice of sensitivity around here now? Sigh…

When did this place become 4chan?

They’re pitting a person for his behavior on the board, not a diagnosis. Does he even claim to have any such diagnosis in the first place? And even if he did, that doesn’t make him immune from criticism for his behavior.

To be clear, I mentioned it based on historical interactions with some people diagnosed with Asperger’s and getting a similar feel from the posts. I mean no disparagement to anyone (not even SamuelA), nor do I mean to imply that Asperger’s or any form of autism will lead one towards degenerate behavior.

In the interactions that I’ve had with Aspies, I got the sense that the people with the illness basically have a hard time controlling, taming, and evolving their ability to deal with their own emotions. The logical brain and the hormonal/emotional systems were divorced and the former couldn’t influence the latter. But the opposite could happen. If the person decided that they were in love or angry or whatever, they’d set their jaw and plow forward like a tractor towing a ten ton chunk of lead - ain’t nothing going to stop them from going forward, they’re just going to leave a torn up ditch behind them all the way.

But, to them, they couldn’t recognize that this wasn’t the logical part of their brain leading. And after a whole bunch of talking to try and help them sense the takeover by their emotions, they just got upset, panicked, and ran away.

And, personally, I would say that that’s fine. It’s fine to be unable to help yourself and to think that you’re right, right now, and that this doesn’t apply.

But, maybe, if this does describe anyone, you can look back at earlier times and remember the moments that you feel a bit uncomfortable about - where maybe you still don’t understand what happened or where you went wrong and how you got off track with everyone. Try to understand those. Ask the people here (in IMHO) to help you pick each of those moments apart and make sense of it.

If there are such moments, where you know that there’s some disconnect between you and the rest of the world, then you can’t be sure that what you’re doing right now is actually the right thing. It might feel like you’re on track, but it probably also felt like that then.

If everyone says that you’re wrong, you don’t have to accept that they’re right. But you should doubt your correctness and simply avoid the topic and refuse to talk about it. Feel free to message me or anyone you trust to help you understand. Maybe you never will understand, and maybe it really isn’t a matter of misunderstanding - the world really is just doing something stupid and wrong - but you’re still better to keep it under wraps until you’ve earned the trust to be able to, humbly, admit to it again and just apologize that you don’t understand but it is what it is.

Right now, in the case of SamuelA, you’re not in a state of having everyone’s trust. Keep silent on the things that anger everyone and be satisfied “knowing” that they’re all wrong.

And, like I said, work on understanding those moments in your past that are confusing and make you uneasy.

And, obviously, I have no idea if this is a fair or accurate diagnosis for you or anyone, but just in case. The intent is to offer advice not to disparage.