What are you talking about? Your links show Biden as (slightly) more popular than Trump. And IIRC the “If election were today between Trump and X, who would you vote for?” polls show X=Biden ahead of all other X except possibly Michelle Obama.
It’s looking like some Sanders voters will refuse to vote for any Democrat except Sanders. They’d rather have Trump get re-elected than see some other Democrat win.
Here’s the thing, outside of your bubble in the real world people actually feel the effects of these policies and positions held by candidates. Americans, are by and large fed up with the status quo. The only way, and i mean ONLY WAY, you’re going to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college is if you completely wipe him out. A narrow race with low voter turn out like in 2016 isn’t going to work.
If you want to beat a fake populist you need to run an actual populist. Biden offers absolutely nothing new, and the entirety of his base is due to name recognition from being Obama’s VP, Excessive media coverage with both media and DNC doing their damnest to push him to the front, and 45+ year old white men who think they can find a middle grown with republicans. Guess what, you lost a thousand fkn seats under obama, your centrist positions don’t work. You need to drag the overton window to the left, and force Democrats like Joe Manchin to vote for what you want passed, and if they don’t you get their asses kick outta office by helping a progressive campaign against them.
It is morally unacceptable to expect people in a democracy to vote for someone they don’t like because the other person is even more of a monster than they are. You know what you should do? Vote for whoever you want to, and we should be running with that message and not telling each other to vote blue no matter what. Vote for your principles no matter what. If trump gets reelected, you can bitch and cry, blame Bernie sanders or young voters all you want. At the end of the day it’s your own fault (democrats) for running a losing strategy that also cost you the 2016 election.