I’m graduating from high school this June, and in celebration, my aunt wants to take me on a trip sometime around late July. She offered me the choice of going to Santa Fe or San Francisco. Any suggestions? We also will most likely be taking my grandfather along who, while in good shape for his age, also requires a cane so I don’t want to make him do an excessive amount of walking.
What types of activities do you enjoy? Because that might influence.
I can say that San Francisco is best seen on foot, because parking is ridiculous there, so that might have an influence on what you pick.
I agree. Parking is bad, though our public transit (MUNI) is pretty good for getting around.
But eventually, you’ll probably have to get off the bus a climb a hill. If grandpa can handle a couple of hills, there’s probably a bus line nearby to get him back to the hotel.
San Francisco. Santa Fe is boring after about 5 minutes. And this is from a Southern Californian, who thinks SF is a hellhole.
I’ve never been to SanFrancisco but I have been to SantaFe.
Not really sure why anyone would want to go to SanteFe.
I always found it to be like Martha’s Vinyard out west: full of snobs. Not that every resident is a snob but Taos and Santa Fe have changed dramatically from when I was a kid. The arty crowd has taken over both towns and driven the prices wayyyy up.
I gotta go with Frisco.
How is your grandpa with walking on hills and such?
BTW, you have one cool auntie! Enjoy yourself!
Unless you’re really, really into art galleries and Mexican food, I’d pick San Francisco. And have a bowl of ciopinno at Tadich’s for me when you go.
And don’t forget that in Santa Fe you’d be asking Gramps to be walking around at over 6300’ altitude. If he’s from Virginia Beach as well, it may take some getting used to.
Not that San Francisco is flat or anything , but you can Muni, cablecar, BART, etc., to lots of places.
Seconded, and I’ve been to both cities in the past year. Santa Fe does have some great art galleries, and of course the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, but San Francisco has tons more to see and do. With a bit of ingenuity, the parking issue can be dealt with, depending on where you’re going. But yes, a lot of things are best done on foot - but there are always day trips to Napa/Sonoma, or other cool spots up and down the coast, where parking will be less of an issue. SF is definitely somewhere everyone should go at some point.
Ya gotta go with San Francisco (and don’t call it Frisco!). Lots to do, and even if you’re not into walking that much, you can just go to some interesting places and people watch. Lots of good places to eat too.
Go to the EXPLORATORIUM!!, it’s the coolest place on earth (it’s a “hands on” Science museum).
Can I therefore assume your experience with science museums is limited? As a big-time connosieur of them, I have to say I was rather disappointed by the Exploratorium. In the Bay Area alone, I thought the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose was better. A bit further north but still in the same time zone, at least, is the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, which (IMHO, of course) beats them both. And my favorites are in the Mid-West - the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago and the Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland.
To the OP: don’t let the above dissuade you from taking a trip to San Francisco. The Exploratorium is still pretty nice, and there’s tons else to do as well. Santa Fe is one place I haven’t been to, but I can’t imagine it measures up.
I have been to SF many times, and always find something new to do/place to eat/freakshow to witness.
I drove thru Santa Fe, and after not seeing anything worthwhile to stop for (and believe me, I tried!), went on down the road. Didn’t even stop to eat after being on the road for hours. The most beautiful shit-hole I’ve ever seen. :rolleyes:
If I ever hit the lottery (because I’ll need the money to move there) I’m going to become a con-man and open an “art gallery” in Sante Fe, selling my varnished shit to tourists and die in a fit of pants-wetting-laughter after the sale of my “Masterpiece”.
And then the sorry sap that bought it would sell it for 19 times what he paid for it.
I’d definitely go with SF. Santa Fe while very nice and pretty, it is more of a place to be seen and SF is a place to see.
We spent the month of April in SF and still did not see everything in the area that we wanted to see. My 81 year old cane using deaf Aunt from the East Bay visited us a few times in the city during the month and while we had to change how we got around a little, it was still no problem for her. Just remember to take it slow.
Have fun and there are tons of threads here that you can search that will give you insight as to what to see in SF. I found them very useful in my travels there.
Wow, what a little hunk o’ heaven you turned out to be. If you are missing a stick I think I might know where it is (hint, look behind you).
Well, if you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in you hair.
I’m truly sorry. It was just so…there.