Sarah Michelle Gellar is a TOOL

I have to agree with the first part of this snippet, but have to violently disagree with the second part. She is way hot. :wink:

And to the OP, I just have to echo the other respondents who offered some variation on “Why on Earth is this so important to you?”

Just as someone is not more worthy of praise just because they’re famous, they are equally not more worthy of scorn just because they’re famous.

The cult of celebrity in this country is one of my major gripes with contemporary American society (but that’s a topic for an already existing thread).

So, I’m confused. Here’s a pic of her. Now, can someone explain to me what they think is wrong with her nose?

Personally, I think she’s kinda cute.

She has a face like one of those sad paintings of big-eyed children and a body like a toothpick, but I can’t speak for her personality.

Funniest. Thread. Evah.

Schwey? Is that actually slang now? Or do you just watch a lot of Batman Beyond.

(Not being snippy or anything, just curious.)

She is really cute especially in season three and early season four of btvs. The nose gives her the imperfection she needs to be cute, perfection doesn’t do it for me.

Find some more pics (older ones are better, she is something like 18 on this one) and it will be obvious what is so special / strange.

A wiser man than I once said, “You’ve got to have the right tool for the job.”

Wah-hey, another Clog Boy!

Welcome aboard, fisico. Fisichella fan, perchance?

I saw some brief interview with SMG…

She totally came across to me as a utter bitch. She was saying something about how nice it was that they were still able to put together good ‘product’ (I’m guessing in reference to Buffy).

Gee, good product. You’ve been working with those people for how many years?


Everytime I see her (and that mouth! oh god that mouth… [shudders]) I keep thinking of the ever hungry sarlac (ya know RotJ) but in human form.

Other than the mouth, she’s not bad looking as long as she’s in makeup.

And as a Buffy side note: Is there something I’m not getting about the show? It seems like all of my friends love that show and I keep trying to get into it (the reruns on FX) but… gah.

That’s what the media stars say now. It is no longer a movie, play or CD. It’s all ‘product’.

Yeah but when they say that they come across as crack dealers.

We’ve been producing some great Product this year.

Just a hit or two in the beginning and you’re hooked

sort of a Fisichella fan, more Formula 1, Italy and my real name starts with a F. But that is something you already know.

Going offtopic in the 4th reply isn’t a great start so back ontopic

the blackwood interview is fun to watch. She is pretty hyper and funny. I’ll never meet her so character isn’t a big thing for me.

Yeah and it’s really hard work, at least that is what they tell us.

I do? Have we met, sir? :slight_smile:

Not IRL, but AVLP / Rotel must ring a bell. I don’t know what most smiley’s mean so I’ll answer the question. We have never met IRL, but ALVP / Rotel might ring bell.

ontopic this shows what is wrong with SMG

this one is just as bad

but this is why she is so nice to look at

Hah!! Too cool, yeah, I remember you.

How did you find this place?

Did you end up buying a Rotel set? :slight_smile:

Buying an degree at the university of Nijmegen is more expensive then expected so the Rotel is still on hold. Writing a thesis in an IT- environment isn’t helping the cash flow.

On (.net) we discussed Knightrider (with bonnie) and the way KITT got in the truck. You gave us the url of SDMB. Whenever I’m bored I come to SDMB, usually just to read but this topic screamed for a reply. Your nick I knew from icq.

The board is or very slow or really fast, is that normal?

Have seen the SMG pics? I jope so cause it was really hard work, just like acting :wink:

Ah, of course, I remember posting that link!

The board can be extremely slow, the main reason being a huge amount of traffic on this site. Try reading in the morning, when all the Americans are still asleep. :slight_smile:

And thanks for the pics, they were nice. :wink:

Any time before 23.30 is fine, i have noticed.