Sarah Palin smoked weed, did blow and banged Glen Rice

It’s called a budget. Your precious Sarah did not get stalked. The only person who got harassed was McGinnis, who got his property trespassed on by Palin’s thug of a husband. Poor pathetic cuckhold.

“Two Titans of Intellect, both men of great learning and culture, battle it out for the Belt.”

This is a personal attack and it’s off topic. Don’t do it again.

I’m sorry. Not that I don’t think Sarah Palin is full of shit. But I have a hard time believing that the one hotel in town is in a residential neighborhood, especially one as tony as where the Palins would presumably live.

Or does Sarah live on the main strip?

They can fight if they want to, but I’m keeping it.

On a lakefront. It’s not really a “neighborhood.”

Now you’re really reaching. Sarah is neither mine nor precious. I’m simply pointing out the hyprocrisy in your saying that another poster is “buying uncritically into the Palin victim narrative” when you seem to have swallowed McGinnis’ story whole hog as well. But, you read it somewhere so I guess that’s good enough.

BTW, I’ve stayed in B&B’s that were less expensive than other hotel options. Surely you’ll accept that since my post is my cite.

I remember the days of yore, when a thread of snark stayed a thread of snark. :frowning:

I hesitate to ask, but since you can remember it so clearly, perhaps you can scrounge up a link for the rest of us.


I can’t be assed. You’re free to swallow the Palin narrative. I don’t care. It’s a side issue. If you have some proof that McGinniss tried to stalk or harass the Palins, let’s see it.

WAPO interview giving McGinnis’ version of events.

That’s after a quick search. Take it or leave it. I’m starting to think I might have confused an issue of affordability with availability. Same difference.

It could be an issue of the precise boundaries for the incorporated city of Wasilla. For instance, if the Best Western is a few yards east of the big rock by the dead tree, or a few yards west of Moose Grin Creek, it might be outside greater metropolitan Wasilla.

Okay. Now since you have changed your tone on that point maybe you want to address the trespassing issue? Nothing in that interview states that Todd Palin was trespassing. He was being a jerk, clearly, but I didn’t see trespass mentioned.

Did you see that somewhere else?

He came onto the property uninvited and started acting like a threatening cocksucker. How is that not trespassing?

Yes, but part of genuine repentance is recognizing that one has done wrong, which would seem to go along with admitting to have done those things. If Palin (or any other politician) had said “Yes, I did some foolish things in my youth, like taking drugs and sleeping around, but now I’m putting that all behind me and going on the straight and narrow”, then I’d consider the possibility that she’d repented. But to go on a crusade against those things without admitting she’d done them herself doesn’t sound very penitent to me.

Her Xianity has no relevance at all to her hypocrisy in preaching stuff like abstinence only education.

While I agree that abstinence-only education is stupid, it’s not hypocritical to preach it, even if her own daughter would have benefited from birth control. To many Christians, the state of one’s soul matters more than the state of one’s soul, and premarital sex is actively dangerous to the former. Thus birth control that you and I think more reasonable to teach (because it actually works) is odious to them, as it encourages people to have sex outside of marriage.

This belief is stupid in my view, but preaching it is not hypocritical.


On the second page of that story is a link to a Facebook picture taken by the Palins of the author standing on his deck, looking in a different direction (off in the woods, it seems), perhaps drinking a beer.

And the comments of the Palin supporters are absolutely chilling… especially considering that the photo catches McGinnis red-handed, totally ignoring the Palins! With his back toward the camera, no less!

Here’s a sample:

But let’s remember: those are all metaphors. Just like the target on Gabrielle Gifford’s district.

Kinda disappointed in Glen Rice, though.