Sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits

Yes, please. :slight_smile:

This is a cheese biscuit.

Sausage, egg, cheese, bacon. I’d rather have an English muffin, but a biscuit will do.

Definitely the best thing on their menu.

You forgot: In mah mouf.

This thread has inspired me to order a Hamilton Beach breakfast sandwich maker. $22

McDonald’s charges $4.65 with tax for bacon,egg,cheese biscuit. Making them at home will be a nice savings.

That’s what Mrs. L.A. got me for Christmas a couple of years ago.

You hicks in the UK hardly even know what English words mean. That’s a picture of a cracker (with cheese and a grape – which I wouldn’t be surprised to learn you folks call a chartreuse, or something).

Indeed. This is a cheese biscuit.

I choose pancakes. I loathe eggs and will not touch them.

Details, details… :wink:

I first heard about it from a friend. Over beers he described the thing and I thought it sounded ridiculous. But he kept telling me how much he liked it. So I pulled up Amazon on my phone and ordered one.

Two days later, I had totally forgotten about the thing and it arrived. At first I thought it was a mistake, then I remembered the over-beers-discussion.

That was a year or two ago, and I’ve used it three or four days a week since.

Indeed. We were in Bed Bath & Beyond and saw them there. I laughed at them. ‘Why have a machine that does what I can easily do without one?’ Imagine my surprise when I opened that present, which she had previously ordered.

I was wrong.

I saw this last year in a blog I follow…

12 Egg McMuffins for only $8:

Frugal Recipe: Make Your Own Egg McMuffins & Freeze Them

The sausage, being meat, goes on the bottom.
The cheese, being cheese, goes on top.
The egg, being neither, goes in the middle.
Anything else, like grilled onions or mushrooms, goes between the egg and the cheese.

I just started using my new breakfast sandwich maker. I really like it. I’ve had it a few weeks, but it took awhile to find a grocery store that had sliced Canadian Bacon.

I’m using Thomas Bagels for now. They barely fit into the rings. Next time I’ll buy the Thomas English muffins. They’re smaller and will fit better.

I was surprised at how hot the sandwich gets. I had to wait several minutes before I could take a bite.

I like making these fresh with my own eggs, cheese and Canadian Bacon. The frozen breakfast sandwiches are convenient, but I always worried about the preservatives they used.

I just ordered the same machine for my mom’s Christmas present. I know she’ll enjoy fresh breakfast sandwiches too.

You can also use bread by using the “ring” to cut each slice of bread into a circle.

That’s a good idea. I’ll try plain bread next time.