Save my Metroid cartridge

Does anyone know anything about Super Nes (UK Super Famicon) cartridges with battery backups?
I purchased a 2nd hand copy of Super Metroid for nostaglia’s sake but since the cart’s about 5 years old the battery backups knackered and I don’t want to play it all in one sitting or just download a ROM form the internet.
I was considering opening it up to have a poke inside but I need to know;
1-The metal bits holding the plastic cover together, are they screws or some sort of threadless widget that clicks permanently into position?
2-If I do get it open can I fit a commercially available battery?
3-Is there any chance of it working at all?

A special tool IS required, but you’d have to get it from a video store supplier. (I can send you the link, since the mods don’t like links to commercial sites). Once inside, you SHOULD be able to replace the battery. Just take it to your local watch dealer/repair shop. Hopefully, the battery hasn’t sprung a leak and ruined the inside of the cart.

A clarification here: We don’t mind links to relevant commercial sites, with a few restrictions. Most notably, we don’t allow links that are to the direct benefit of the person posting them, as if the person owns the page in question, or the link has an ID code used to credit the referring person in some way. Basically, we don’t want anyone else to be making money off of this board until we do. Here, since the site is relevant to the discussion and non-spam, it would presumably be OK to post the link in the thread.

Thanks for the clarification, Chronos. I was hesitant about posting the link for another reason. The item Pushkin needs could be abused by some unscrupulous types even though its correct intention is for security and repair. Didn’t wanna start anyone in a criminal career. :slight_smile:

Blue, if it were relevant, you could link to a page on guns. We all know guns can be used in the commission of a crime but that is not their primary purpose. Heck, if you want, I can find you a link on the SDMB to a page on how to build a device that can crack combination locks. The mods around here are very good about freedom of speech. So post your link. I am interested now that it has become such a topic.

You do not have to play the game all the way thru in one sitting with a rom. Visit and look for the savestate archive. If you don’t know savestates let you save the game at anytime. So there just might be one close to were you left off. Oh and use Zsnes emulator (, it is the best snes emu their is.

Wait, they have batteries in Super NES games? I thought they used special EPROM (or EEPROM?) chips for saving.

And Second, read the OP again. He said he doesn’t want to play the ROM on the comptuer.

I think it’s more recent games that use EEPROM/Flash ROM save formats. The older games use watch/lithium batteries, essentially, and would go out if you either 1) left your videogame system on for too long [i.e. days at a time] 2) waited around for 3-4 years.

Odd, I have a copy of Super Metroid and I have had it for well over 4 years and it still works like a charm.

The link: is a site for a video store supply company. Item 40-259 is a set of “security” screws used by renters to prevent people from stealing the guts of a game cartridge. It includes the correct screw tips that allow you to remove the original screws and replace them with security screws. With this device, the above-mentioned cartridge could be opened, allowing the owner access to the battery (assuming there IS one).