Say Something Ketchuppy! Fun for creative minds

Extra smooth salsa!

Astronaut tomatoes!

Relish it more than…Chutney!

Vive la differ-sauce!

Sausage lube.

In every fridge since 1922!

**Free toy inside! ** (Warning, toy is ketchup)

That’s it, that’s all I got.

Ketchup: The poor man’s steak sauce.

Happy Scrappy Ketchuppy Hero! (that’s the first thing that popped into my head when reading the thread title before clicking on it)

Put a smile on your hamburger’s face.

Lubricate your buns with me.

Newest Crayola color: Ketchup.

Squeeze me and watch me blow my load.

Mustard Sucks.

Fuck Mustard.

Unlike cheese, it’s kosher on your meat.
Ketchup. What else is this color?

It’s a floor wax and a condiment.

Heh… I don’t think anyone else caught that reference, but it made me laugh. That show cracks me up, thanks. :slight_smile:

Now I need some rhubarb pie…

Exactly-- when I saw the thread title I had the song going through my head. “Ketch-uuup, it’s ketch-uuup. . .” one of the funniest things about that program.

Stupid ketchup bottle! Be more funny!

Steal This Bottle

The Ketchup in the rye.

Everything you wanted to know about ketchup but were afraid of the flask.

“In order to be grounded, I’ve got to be a tomato, and I must be a tomato to be a condiment. But if I ask to be a condiment, that means I’m not a tomato anymore and I can’t be grounded.”
Heinzlossarian, Ketchup-22

The lazy man’s spaghetti sauce

Official condiments of the Army…
Ketchup and wait, Ketchup and wait.

Ketchup: We only look like blood.

Pardon me. Do you have any red poop on?

Ketchup: Less sodium than salt.

With a name like ketchup, it has to be good.

*Ketchup or fingerpaint? You decide!

*Be Polite. Pass the Ketchup.

*<----(to spout) This Side Down

*We’re having WHAT for dinner?
(which goes with)
*Ketchup: it’s what’s for dinner!

*Take your Tater Tots for a dip

*Plays well with Mustard

dang, now I want some fries and they are not what I’m sposed to be having for lunch.

Try our kosher variety…


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