Say something that is true to a person in 1985 that will make you sound like a crazy person

I’m happy flying cars have not come to fruition. It’s bad enough risking your life driving with idiots on 2-dimensional roads. No way I want to risk it on 3.

My take is this:

Okay, the one of the richest guys in the world is Satoshi Nakamoto. He invented a computer program that gives away coins he also invented. The program keeps a record of every time people exchange the coins and who owns them but it’s all completely anonymous. And then he gave away the computer program. Nobody ever paid Satoshi Nakamoto for the computer program or the coins it gives away but he made the computer give him a lot of coins before he could convince other people to let the computer give them the coins instead. So the coins he got from the computer are worth $30 billion. Even though it’s completely anonymous, people run the program on computers all over the world to keep track of who owns the coins in hopes the program will give them some more coins too. People use the phones in their pocket to receive or transmit the coins from anywhere but only criminals really use the coins to actually buy stuff. Hackers break into people’s phones to steal the coins, which seems to happen a lot. The computer program now uses more electricity than Sweden. Also, Satoshi Nakamoto isn’t a real person. And he might be dead. The coins he made up are worth $500 billion, which is more than the value of GE, GM, Ford, Toyota, Macy’s, Sears, K-Mart, Sony, Canon, Kodak, TWA, and Polaroid…combined.

No they don’t. Gay marriage is actually pretty popular with most on the right, which is causing a schism. Like the left, they have a coalition with different interests. Some fundamentalists want to eliminate gay marriage but most on the right are fine with it. Perhaps their coalition will start to break down over differences like this.

Interracial marriage has 90% support in America. It’s also, contrary to histrionic reporting on the matter, is only loosely based on the some of the same legal logic later used in Roe. Roe doesn’t implicate a fundamental right to marry recognized in Loving and again in Obergefell v. Hodges. There would be no inconsistency from the court’s perspective to ditching Roe and keeping Loving. Gay marriage and Loving are tied together so if Obergefell goes, Loving could theoretically be on the chopping block but neither is going anywhere. Also, this is not a court that cares one whit about consistency. If they hate gay marriage but like interracial marriage, they will just do as their whim suits them.

I think Bam Bam and his daughter Pebbles were recently elected to the White House.

Well, some do. The ones with the power.

Certain tennis shoes will be highly valuable. People will be killed so someone can steal their tennis shoes.

Television broadcast technology will undergo a fundamental change. Almost all of the television sets in use will be thrown out and replaced. The new broadcast technology will promise a better picture, but television stations will instead split themselves apart into lower-quality “substations”. And broadcast distance will be reduced.

TV commercials will be largely class-action lawsuits, medicines, insurance policies, and something called Medicare Advantage Plans.

Wide-screen movies (Vistavision, Panavision, etc.) from the 1950’s will be seen more often because the new television technology will change aspect ratios.

People will pay hundreds of dollars a month to have a “full cable plan”.


This. They’ll think I’m crazy when I tell them the cool kids all hang out downtown, which is where their parents used to hang out when they were kids back in the 50s, and that the mall is now full of old people who go to old people places. At least that would be true of my hometown.

The least believable part is that it was Kasparov rather Bobby Fischer who was bested by a computer.

I remember a news story from around 1987 about someone killed for Air Jordans, which was a big story featuring regrets from the star basketballer. So this is not something new although the first times shocked many.

“Cure” means you don’t have the condition anymore, for example antibiotics can cure bacterial infections. “Treatment” often means you still have the condition and may in fact need treatment for the rest of your life - which may have been saved or extended by the treatment.

I remember having a hard time c. 1985 parsing this bumper sticker, even though I knew about AIDS:


Since it was in all caps and had no punctuation. I’m sure there are current relatively inexplicable stickers/shirts/memes that would make no sense in 1985 and sound unhinged. “Fo shizzle,” say.

Maybe “Birds aren’t Real?”

Why specify NBA players? Somebody in 1985 would be amazed at how common tattoos will be in 2022. Especially on women. Maybe one woman in a thousand would have had a tattoo back in 1985.

“What a day! A Chrome extension kept blocking Twitter and because I won’t disable VPN, I kept getting caught in a Captcha loop :(”

I think Limmin is saying old GPS units had static-ish map data as opposed to something that is frequently updated via the internet.

Were body X-Rays mandatory in airports in 1975? I thought only after 9/11.


Bingo. Peruse any of the countess dash cam channels on YouTube then imagine them falling out of the sky.

Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

I remember a Rand McNally CD that I had in the mid-90s. No GPS, but the idea was to get (and print out) driving directions before leaving home. But the map data was so crappy! I remember when it told me to make a right turn from the Garden State Parkway onto Midland Ave in Paramus NJ. Theoretically it would have been possible, I suppose, but a little dangerous. For those of you unfamiliar with the neighborhood, take a look here.

Print media will soon be in its death throes. You’ll get your news online. Many of the news publications you respect today will be little more than ill-written, barely edited click-bait in the future. What’s “click-bait”? Lemme explain…