Scariest-looking musicians

Suzi I’ve got no problem with, but whoa those other dirtball lads* - you just know they’d start chirping at you if you walked into their bar.

Any musicians skeeve you out?

(Celine Dion’s been looking a little, um, svelte, lately.)

*To be fair, most people back in the 70’s looked like that.

Howlin’ Wolf could look scary when he wanted to. His freakishly large hands added to the effect (there’s a harmonica and microphone engulfed in those mitts).

Ian Anderson was a little unnerving in the early 70’s

John Prine scares the crap outta me. He just looks pervy.

Richard D. James

Lemmy of Motörhead.

Also Henry Rollins - not so much skeevy as scary in the sense of looking like someone you wouldn’t want to mess with.

Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.

If he put a spell on you, it stayed put.

If I walked into a bar and saw dudes looking like ZZ Top there I’d back out very slowly.

Iggy Pop. He used to be all veins, now he’s all crepe-flesh, and anyway I really wish he’d wear a shirt more often.

When my daughter was in kindergarten, she had a classmate named Vortex. When I met Vortex’s mom, I found out she had named her daughter after ICS Vortex from Dimmu Borgir.

An unusual choice for a baby name.

To be fair, Jay wasn’t disturbing-looking, it was his behavior on stage that stood out (he supposedly lost half his audience some nights when he came screaming up out of a coffin).*

Then again there’s Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, voted the musician parents would least appreciate having their teenaged daughters go on a date with.

*Screamin’ Jay Hawkins is the only rocker I know of who was classically trained as an opera singer.

I think William Murderface’s name speaks for itself.

Are we talking intentional… or not?

Axl Rose is a pretty scary looking guy.

Josh Todd from Buck Cherry is downright ugly.

Meh. Axl Rose is well along the “reincarnation of Benny Hill” track, which isn’t really scary.

If we’re talking generally skeevy rather than actually scary, there’s always Post Malone, whom I just react to visually on a visceral level.

I honestly don’t think the man even owns a shirt.

Pat Benatar was opera-trained but opted for rawking out.

BIP: Roy Wood (ELO, Wizzard) had his scary days.

Beat me to it.


As has been mentionned, Lemmy of Motörhead. I’m sure there was a really nice guy behind that face, but I really wouldn’t have wanted to meet him in a dark alley nonetheless. Especially if he was drunk. Plus his Nazi paraphernalia obsession kind of weirded me out.
Also seconding Henry Rollins as a dude who looks like after a couple whiskey shots he’d jokingly reminisce about that time he stomped somebody to death and buried him in the woods for looking at him funny. “Ha-ha. Just kidding. He’s really buried in La Brea Tar Pits. C’mon, I’m just fucking with you ! But don’t push me.” He was scarily effective in Sons of Anarchy. All the funnier that he’s a staunch pacifist - but he just really looks like a violent asshole, don’t he ?

It’s at least partly The Neck. The capitals are mandatory.

Is there a lifetime award?

Wilko Johnson. He was scary then and he’s scary now.
