Scarlet has yet ANOTHER audition...

…tomorrow, for the music department at SFSU. Apparently, not all the voice teachers got a chance to hear the tape I sent in MAY, so Im singing in person.

For that matter, Im back - anyone miss me? Anyone notice? Wha’d I miss (aside from all the election hoo-hah)?

Hey Scarlet! I didn’t even know you were in the States again! Right on, glad to see you came back to the Bay Area, now you can join us in all our Dopefests. (I think Oldscratch is cookin’ something a little risque’ up right now. ;))

I can’t remember much past yesterday, and I didn’t post yesterday, so i can’t update you. Good luck on the job!

Good luck, Scarlet. I recall when you were sending the tapes and hoping for some good news way back when. Sing your little heart out and I know you’ll do just fine. (But if it doesn’t work out maybe you could try Europe? Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)

p.s. Watch out for Demo. If he tries to sell you anything get a receipt. And two pieces of ID. That goes double for oldscratch.

…ewww! Hiya Scarlet!