I have a neighbor, a couple, that on the outside, they are fun lovin’ and exuburant to be around.
Get to know them and it is so frightening. (all witnessed by another neighbor who is just frightened beyond belief to leave her kids with this woman now.)
The wife will yell in front of her children ( 4 and 2) and other neighbor kids " (husband) is a fucking asshole, god he is so fucking lazy "
When she has been locked out of her house by her four year old daughter she has screamed through the door at her daughter
" You little fucking bitch ! Open this fucking door now…" (This is a small sampling of what was witnessed.)
When my nice/semi-normal/docile neighbor who has had all these experiences with this woman had to seperate her own daughter from the other girls daughter ( they drive to school together, go to the same class together,play together - they are getting on each other’s nerves and fighting alot) the little girl cowered into her sweatshirt because she thought she was getting yelled at. ( This neighbor doesn’t yell, not like that. She is very good with kids.)
I have never encountered this behavior with this neighbor. She is wound really tight, and tends to have the most insane situations happen to her ( which she always turns into a funny situation/story telling) but I’ve always felt that she was just one peice of paper away from being unglued.
Since her father died a year ago, she has been on this humongeous emotional roller coaster which I have helped her out with ( as I have loads of death experience) and urged her to go to grief counseling and try anti-depressants. (This is her first death in her family and she is 38 and she has never lost a friend or coworker.)
Only her ssri’s didn’t agree with her and she was having problems ( trees jumping in front of cars, violent mood swings) and instead of talking to the doctor, she took them sporatically which did not help her body adjust to the RX. After some urging by the nice/docile neighbor to go to her doctor for different stuff, she calmed down
Then after things settle down, the swearing and yelling at her daughter has been witnessed by the nice-docile neighbor, whom has no reason to lie to me or make things up. ( I am her only friend in the area as she is mine.) In fairness, this nice neighbor is a bit of a doormat who allows people to shit on her, but she is wisening up and I am very happy for her to discover her backbone.
My son who is the same age as their daughters, goes to a different preschool than the neighbors because as much as I like them, I didn’t want him to be around these two girls that much because one is a violent little girl and the other is a whiner. Guess which one belongs to which. And I’ve been very very happy to have my son at his new preschool and the nice mom is not happy with her choice because a) the violent little girl picks fights with her daughter b) she lets the crazy neighbor shit on her for driving her daughter to school c) a host of smaller things.d) the crazy neighbor did not even care or investigate what school her daughter went to and just signed up where the nice neighbor went to because, and I quote " I trust your decision."
Trust your decision? It shouldn’t be anyone’s decision but your own, you moron!
NOW, we did Kindergarten round up today. Nice neighbor and I chose this particular school based on our own agenda and investigation. The crazy neighbor will be signing up here as well because it is what we are doing, even though neither of us have told her anything. ( I haven’t talked to her since December, I think.) Nice neighbor’s own preschool teacher has also advised that because of the way these two little girls fight, for them not to have the same class next year. Anyone who knows preschool teachers knows they a) have the patience of saints and b) takes alot for *that * recommendation to come about.
( I told nice neighbor to have that preschool teacher write a note stating thusly and she would give it to the principal of our new school to ensure these two girls stay seperated.)
If this little girl, whom I blame her parents for her behavior entirely, ends up in our children’s classes, it isn’t going to be pretty.
MEANWHILE, her son, who will be three in August, is another problem. He gets zero mental stimulation at home. Every time I’ve been over at their house to drop something off or whatever, the son ( at the time 5 months to two years of age) was in a high chair in front of the TV with a pile of cheerios or foot. Everytime Mr. Ujest or another neighbor went over, they said the same thing.
Mom is very busy trying to supplement their flailing income with Pampered Chef. ( It ain’t working, their financial ship is sinking very slowly.) Dad is obsessed with AMWAY.
Nice neighbor who has babysat for this little boy countless times has been convinced that either he is border line autistic ( he rocks in his seat all the time b) gets too much sleep ( wakes at 9am. Nap 12n - 4! Bedtime at 7pm.) Other family members brought the very subject up to the mom and she said to the effect, " I know, I’m worried that he might be, but I don’t want to go to the doctor to find out."
WEll, holy shit.
By not going to the doctor will not make the situation get better.
( In fairness, the little boy, since late fall, has done much better in vocab, and he is huge. I mean huge. The mom is 6’1 and she is the shortest of her family. The docs figure he will be about 6’7 when fully grown.)
But, this I just learned today, the reason why her husband has been wearing braces for seven years ( they’ve been our neighbors that long) actually **nine ** years is because he hasn’t gone to an orthodontic appt. since after his first check up.
He is too lazy to take himself back to the doctor. and now, because they are very broke, cannot afford it. this just flabbergasts me.
Thank you for allowing me to pit these retards here. And people wonder why I prefer online communes over real ones.