I have been doing a lot of lurking over the past year but I haven’t seen this brought up recently.
I am an MD/PhD student, now in 2nd year grad school getting a PhD in molecular genetics. Most of the people I work with are either agnostic or atheist, and I am definitely heading more that way as my training goes along.
I have heard the view that science is a religion. I recently heard this view from my boss, an avowed atheist molecular geneticist. That struck me, and got me thinking (what we like to do in grad school). So, I field this to you all (or as we say around here, y’all). This is far better than reading from my qualifying exams, believe me.
We all live on assumptions about the world. Relgion and science both give us frameworks to develop these assumptions and make predictions.
Science is based on a very few assumptions, one being that if a = b, and b = c, then a = c. We assume that to be true always. If it is not, then science collapses, and I lose my job.
Religion is based on more assumptions than that, namely (for Judeo-Christian-Muslim-etc) that there is a God in heaven and he created the universe. He gave us the bible, and His word is true.
We can thus formulate predictions. Granted, with fewer assumptions about the way things work, science is more powerful at making predictions about the world around us. But, as soon as we can’t observe data, we lose all ability to predict. Religion, on the other hand, can predict all types of things about non-observable phenomena, and given that the assumptions are correct, the predictions will hold true : If you are righteous, you will go to heaven. Atheist molecular geneticists will have all eternity to debate the existence of God in Hell.
So lastly, my view of life. I think it is really hard to live your life taking very few things for granted. It is much, much easier to have the framework of the universe fed to you in enormous detail and then told that it must be true (due to your ground assumptions). That is why I think it is such an uphill fight for science. We, as humans, want to be able to have definites in our life – steady things that will not change. Science can give us a handful. Religion can give us an eternity’s worth.
Granted, I know next to nothing on the philosophy of science. I’m just a genetics grad student. A junior one at that. I was raised Jewish, and was always taught that debate about the word of God was a good thing.
Whaddya think?