SciFi movie: big lizard things afraid of light?

There was a movie within the past couple years that had a commercial where the humans had to hide from these big monsters that prowled around in the dark. At one point in the commercial, A soon to be eaten was hushing someone. Part sci-fi, part horror. I remember being interested in the movie, but with kids and all, I decided to wait for the dvd. Does this movie sound familiar to anyone?

Pitch Black perhaps?

That was from 2000 though.

Yes, sounds like Pitch Black, but those didn’t look much like lizards to me.

I second Pitch Black.

The first 20 minutes is some of my all-time favorite sci-fi screen time. Just don’t miss the first 20 minutes, like my buddy did, after I explicitly told him not to miss the first 20 minutes. Funny, the movie didn’t make much sense to him…

I loved this film and its sequel (which didn’t have much to do with the first one), but a lot of folks didn’t. YMMV.

There’s also “Alone in the Dark” a SciFi movie about a race of giant lizard thingies that could not survive in the dark. Starred Christian Slater and Tara Reid. It was actually a pretty good B-grade SF movie. The aliens were responsible for the destruction of the Incan civilization and were somehow connected to some metallic artifacts. There was much running hand hiding and skulking in the dark.

Shoot. Lead sentence should read, “…could not survive in the LIGHT.”


Land of the Lost!

Godzilla vs. the Grue.

ding ding ding ding. Thank you EC. That’s the one I was looking for. I’m pretty sure.