Scott Baio for Pope!

In a burst of ecumenicalism they could name Muhammad Ali as Pope. Then we’d have Pope Rope-a-Dope.

(Yes, I’m going to hell.)

Didn’t Father Guido start his own religion. In his religion, EVERYONE was Pope. Plus he had a line of Papal Pants and a “Pope on a Rope” as well.

Pope Dan (me)

I have the celibacy thing licked. Plus I have a really good face for hats I’m told.

Well, I’d simply love to be pope but I’m still working on my nomination for the nobel prize of slicing deli meat.

I do have two ideas though.

Pope Gordie Howe. I know. Wayne Gretzky would have the better temperment for the job, but I’m a wings fan.

Pope Tom Lehrer. I just want to hear the vatican rag performed in church.