For those about to pit Scott Pruitt - I sa-lute you!
Yes, his own ring in hell is deserved, like somewhere that was once lush and green but now a firebed of vomit barfed up from all the dead animals related to his eventual legacy, that he has to stand in, knee deep, (and on bad days, up to just under his nose) for eternity.
I can’t think of another Cabinet member who is more the absolute anithesis of what he is supposed to represent. Bandying about heavy-handed words like “Orwellian” in this situation, in these times, well, actually doesn’t seem as heavy-handed as it fucking should.
Interior Secretary Zinke - yeah, he’s a seriously fucking useless, deluded shlub of a contender, as is Energy Secretary Perry, who dances like a fucking ponce, and Betsy “public schools be-damned” DeVos, or narcoleptic Ben Carson…ok I’m not gonna go through them all, they’re all completely toilet-ready, with the only appointee I can think of, favorably, has nothing to do with the cabinet, but is instead busy running an investigation. (ok ok technically that guy was hired by Rosenstein, deputy justice of a DoJ that President AppendectomyFace had initially signed on to.)
But Pruitt, though…manoman…he is such the diametric fucking opposite of what his mandated position was supposed to be, and not his fucking demented vision of it. And the complete nakedness of his constant, egregious transgressions (because he can get away with it) so flies in the face of what I thought was once the democratic process, which at least used to avoid flaunting, so fucking brazenly, such open corruption.
And looking like a slick fucking eel might add to the whole…mystique.
*Great - having to use more weighty words like “transgressions” and “democratic process”…yikes