Scott Pruitt

I think that Mr. Pruitt has reached the point where he needs his own thread. The strange and expensive security measures, the lapses in judgement, the way he seems to continue to work for his previous employers even in his new job, etc.

And now we know that his Nibs has a thing about nibs:

So this thread is specifically for Scott Pruitt-related news, rants and invectives. Oh, and praise if anyone should desire to do so, I guess.

He’s a feckless cunt.

Once again, The Simpsons (Movie) was prescient:

Lisa, to head of EPA: “You’ve gone mad with power!”

EPA head: “If you go mad without power, nobody listens to you!”

It makes perfect sense, though.

One form of pollution is all these cheap disposable pens that people use and either just lose or throw away.

If you spend $130 on a pen, you keep track of it. He’s just doing it to protect the environment, as his position demands.

[/sarcastic praise]

You can just tune in to your local news to see what great job Pruitt is doing. Well you can if your local news is owned by Sinclair.

Thank you local news man Boris Epshteyn.


He must be good. He needed to enhance his security staff. trump won’t fire him because he says good things about trump.

Pruitt and Craft are good buddies who text each other all the time. Craft has met in private with Pruitt at least nine times since he took over the EPA.

“There’s nothing wrong with friends talking to each other, even if business does come up once in a while.”

“What about Bill Clinton meeting his friend Loretta Lynch in Phoenix?”

“Hey, iokiardi!”


It has been said that they want to make America great again. They just not clarified that it was about making America great for the Robber Barons, just like in the old times.

A New York Times reporter was on Fresh Air recently to discuss his coverage of the EPA.

What was striking to me is how Pruitt and his staff seem terrified of him coming into contact with people in a situation that isn’t stage managed. God forbid someone should ask a public servant a question he wasn’t prepped for in advance.

Pruitt is more evidence of Wolfpup’s Law: Anyone who looks like an asshole probably is one.

Corollary to Wolfpup’s Law: Assholes are generally stupid.

As for being prepped, remember that this guy is a climate change denier. This isn’t an easy position to maintain, because you never know when those pesky things called “facts” are going to be used against you, and there are so danged many of them. It’s like being a flat-earther – even a bright person required to maintain such a fiction would have a hard time with it.

Pruitt’s continued tenure as a Cabinet Secretary is, in and of itself, “proof” of Trump’s awesomely Imperial power. Because no other President could get away with keeping in his (or her) Cabinet a person of such abominably-blatant corruption, malfeasance, and unfitness for office.

Or perhaps it’s proof of the gutless cowardice of that lick-spittle Paul Ryan. Your choice.

I’m never one to turn down an opportunity to express my well-deserved contempt for Paul Ryan; however, it seems relevant to point out that it was Mitch McConnell’s Senate that confirmed the cad.

Right, but I was thinking of a House that would at least hint at impeachment proceedings being undertaken, in the face of a President who permitted such colossal corruption in a member of the Cabinet. (I should have been more explicit.)

I said at the time of his nomination that Scott Pruitt belongs in charge of the EPA like Willie Nelson belongs in charge of the DEA.

I disagree. Scott Pruitt belongs in charge of the EPA more like Pablo Escobar belongs in charge of the DEA. :wink:

Scott Pruitt is a running joke. He’s pulled every shitty trick he can, and has suffered no effective backlash. He can do absolutely anything he wants now, with no danger of getting the sack. He has gone so far into the abyss of corruption that he is invulnerable.

I can’t see how we got this far, but here we are.

I mentioned this in the “what would make his supporters turn on him” thread, but I’ll say it again here. How is his continued employment draining the swamp? Let’s say these deplorables are fine with his buddy system with lobbyists because of the mythic coal industry, but don’t any of them care about fancy pens and privacy booths and first class tickets?

Yay for Patrick Leahy, my favorite VT senator for also putting him in his place. “You traveled first class around the world,” Leahy said, then paused to sigh disapprovingly. “What a silly reason you had to fly first class: because of a danger to you … Nobody even knew who you are.”

For those about to pit Scott Pruitt - I sa-lute you!

Yes, his own ring in hell is deserved, like somewhere that was once lush and green but now a firebed of vomit barfed up from all the dead animals related to his eventual legacy, that he has to stand in, knee deep, (and on bad days, up to just under his nose) for eternity.

I can’t think of another Cabinet member who is more the absolute anithesis of what he is supposed to represent. Bandying about heavy-handed words like “Orwellian” in this situation, in these times, well, actually doesn’t seem as heavy-handed as it fucking should.

Interior Secretary Zinke - yeah, he’s a seriously fucking useless, deluded shlub of a contender, as is Energy Secretary Perry, who dances like a fucking ponce, and Betsy “public schools be-damned” DeVos, or narcoleptic Ben Carson…ok I’m not gonna go through them all, they’re all completely toilet-ready, with the only appointee I can think of, favorably, has nothing to do with the cabinet, but is instead busy running an investigation. (ok ok technically that guy was hired by Rosenstein, deputy justice of a DoJ that President AppendectomyFace had initially signed on to.)

But Pruitt, though…manoman…he is such the diametric fucking opposite of what his mandated position was supposed to be, and not his fucking demented vision of it. And the complete nakedness of his constant, egregious transgressions (because he can get away with it) so flies in the face of what I thought was once the democratic process, which at least used to avoid flaunting, so fucking brazenly, such open corruption.

And looking like a slick fucking eel might add to the whole…mystique.

*Great - having to use more weighty words like “transgressions” and “democratic process”…yikes