Lock up EPA Head Scott Pruitt!

I just found this: https://mediamatters.org/blog/2017/02/28/oklahoma-city-fox-affiliate-reveals-epa-chief-scott-pruitt-lied-senate-about-his-emails/215492
Remember what Trump said when Hillary did this? He should lock up Pruitt as well.

Trump Administration: Biggest Shit Show on Earth.

Lovely, good bye clean air and clean water. This bozo is as crooked as they come.

Posted (by me) in the Gorsuch thread:


The first batch of documents related to Gorsuch arrived at the Senate today. On the very top, is an email from Michael R. Davis, the Associate Political Director of the White House Office of Public Affairs, dated 5-24-2005, saying the following, in full:


Gorsuch got the ABAs highest rating. What do you know that the ABA doesn’t?

from link in OP:

Bolding mine - of course the Reps will cover up whatever stench they can to get Screw-it’s confirmation.
Sure still reeks, though.

None of this matters. Because Benghazi!

Oh, it has nothing to do with Gorsuch (he merely received this email and, I assume, complied with it), but has everything to do with the topic of private email server security and Republican hypocrisy.

Who’d a thought … a lying sleezebag in a Republican Administration …

Keith Olbermann has the way of it; the Trump cabinet is like nothing so much as the crew of a pirate ship.

And the cited reporting comes from a Fox affiliate.

Wonder how long will Trump continue to praise how fair Fox has been to him… :slight_smile:

This has been noted before, but Fox News is a different and separate organization from the various local Fox affiliates.

Let’s be fair here. Trump didn’t lock up Hillary Clinton in the end.

So all that should happen to Pruitt is Donald Trump should spend the next year traveling around the country telling everyone that Scott Pruitt is a criminal and should be locked up. Then the whole matter can be dropped and never mentioned again.

Pruitt isn’t a criminal you fucktards. “mediamatters” is an inherently biased source, a self-described left-wing watchdog media organization. Sorry, you’ll need more evidence.

Neither was Clinton yet Trump threatened to lock her up if he won and his supporters believed he would do it.

You posted a link about coal jobs from FoxNews that was clearly biased and misleading. Completely failed to state when the process to reopen the mines actually started.

I realize how horrible having a watchdog around, you can’t pull your slimy little stunts in the dark.

In the Media Matters link. It’s merely a report that journalists found that Pruitt used a private server for gov’t business emails after lying about it at his confirmation hearings.
How is that biased? Are you saying the report is false? MM is merely reporting that the investigation exists, not that MM did the investigation.

Well jayjay, as you can see there was another reason for pointing that out, I thought to mention that for sure the usual dumb Trump supporter was going to miss that Media Matters was really telephoning what it came from a Fox affiliate (that after so many years it is stretching it to think that they are not at least sympathetic to the main news network). But I thought it was going to be more fun to see the idiots like ckalli fall for the stupid killing the messenger argument and not dealing with what it was reported by the “fair and balanced” network.

Link to the original investigaton by Fox 25.